
Team extension

We are pleased to welcome Wanda Theobald as a research associate in the team of the Professorship of Technical Education. Wanda will support the TUM-Technical Education in the coordination of the BMBF project 'Cross-country and cross-phase interface of vocational-technical education (LPI)'. In this…

Under the following link you will find the published project profile of the Hybrid-Learn2 project. Hybrid-Learn2: Hybride Lehr- und Unterrichtskonzepte im beruflichen Unterricht

A conference on the above-mentioned topic took place from March 9th-10th, 2023 at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen, in cooperation with "ProPraxis" at the Philipps-University in Marburg. The focus of the conference was the presentation and discussion of current research results and…

Katharina Prummer completed a two-month research stay at the University of Pretoria in South Africa from January to February. During the stay, she worked on her doctoral project, which is supervised by Prof. Salomé Human-Vogel (Professor of Educational Psychology and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of…

Around 30 Brazilian school administrators recently visited the School of Social Sciences and Technology (SOT) as part of a trip organized by the UNESCO Associated School Network. The network, which connects more than 12.000 schools in 182 countries, has the common goal of effectively anchoring peace…

In the BMBF project 'Hybrid-Learn' of the TU Darmstadt and the TU Munich for the National-Education-Platform, the kick-off event for the first implementation sequence took place on Wednesday, 01.03.2023. The project acronym 'Hybrid-Learn' is an advanced training for teachers, which follows the…

As part of subproject C07, a two-day process observation was carried out on the Shotcrete 3D Printing (SC3DP) of subproject A04 at the TU Braunschweig. The aim of this was to observe and document the process from design to the finished product and to identify the process influencing factors. In the…

Katharina Prummer presented her research results from the PgDip Leadership for Transformation project at the international conference of the Education Association of South Africa (EASA): How do professionals perceive the mentoring concept for their professional development? The audience gave…

From 30.11. to 02.12.2022 the event "Moving Target Digitalisation 2022: Increasing the Impact of Internationalisation in Higher Education" took place in Berlin and virtually. The Hybrid-Learn team was represented by the research associates Fabian Ball (TUD) and Tobias Ludwig (TUM). In addition to…

The first onsite contact week for the BMBF-funded MSc in Vocational Εducation and Ιnnovation took place at the TUM Science & Study Center in Raitenhaslach from November 28 to December 2, 2022. 15 Students from 12 countries gathered at TUM’s hub of international academic discussion for a week of…