The research and teaching segments center competences in technical domains. The focus of empirical research approaches is on competence models, competence acquisition, competence transfer and competence measurement in technical or technology-related domains at different levels. The latter includes evidence-based conception and implementation of technical teaching and learning, the educational development of digitalization, Industry 4.0 and production-technical learning factories, approaches towards competence orientation in curricular implementation processes, sustainability as important topic in vocational education and vocational-technical teacher training. Another field to focus on is the professionalization areas within companies (trainer and trainer qualification, human resources development of engineers).
Particular emphasis lays on the high degree of connectivity to achieve a direct and indirect relevance of research approaches in both vocational educational science and technical educational practice. Here, the core requirements are always integrating practice and interdisciplinary cooperation across faculty boundaries.
Research activities of the professorship of Technical Education not only cover (third-party funded) projects but also promote young researchers. Publications are included as well.