Lisa Wintersberg

Office: Technische Universität München
Marsstraße 20–22 (rear building)
80335 München
Room 472, 4th floor
Phone: +49 89 289-24265
Office hours: By prior appointment


Since November 2021, I have worked as a research associate at the TUM Professorship of Technical Education. After a bilingual bachelor’s degree in business psychology (B.Sc.) in Cologne and Luxembourg, I completed my Master's in Research on Teaching and Learning (M.Ed.) at the Technical University of Munich. In addition to my studies, I also gained professional experience in the field of Corporate Human Resource Training and Development.
At the professorship, I am responsible for a research seminar for the master’s degree programs in Vocational Education (integrated), among other activities. Since October 2023, I have also worked at the TUM Institute for Lifelong Learning. Here, I am responsible for the project management of the scientific research project BoostEuroTeQ, which is funded by EU Horizon 2020. In addition, my activities in both areas create a link between the content and methodological focus of the professorship and the institute.

Research interests

  • Instructional design of blended learning and e-learning
  • Teaching with multimedia
  • Methodology and didactics in vocational education and training
  • Vocational learning in the additive manufacturing sector


  • Wintersberg, Lisa; Pittich, Daniel: Challenges and needs of corporate technical education and training – a case study. JURE Conference 2024, 2024 more…
  • Wintersberg, Lisa; Ludwig, Tobias; Pittich, Daniel: Theory-oriented evaluation approaches for corporate training – design-based research. EARLI SIG 1 Conference 2024, 2024 more…
  • Wintersberg, Lisa: Bridging the gap between academia and practice in instructional design - a case study. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2023, 2023 more…
  • Wintersberg, Lisa; Trikoili, Anna; Prummer, Katharina; Pittich, Daniel: Factors affecting skill transfer to the workplace in a Master´s program for professionals. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2023, 2023 more…