Bernhard Renner

Office: Technische Universität München
Marsstraße 20–22 (rear building)
80335 München
Room 430, 4th floor
Phone: +49 89 289-24218
Office hours: By prior appointment


After graduating from secondary school (Realschule Vinzenz von Paul) in Markt Indersdorf (2010), I completed an apprenticeship as an industrial mechanic at MAN Truck & Bus AG in Munich (2010–2013). After that, I attended the vocational secondary school (Staatliche Berufsoberschule Scheyern, 2013–2015) and completed with the general higher education entrance qualification. Since October 2015 I have been studying vocational education metal engineering with the teaching subject German (LMU) at the Technical University of Munich. During my master’s degree I worked as a research assistant at the Assistant Professorship of Technical Educations (July 2020–August 2021), where I have been active as a research associate since September 2021.

Research interests

  • Didactic development of digitization and Industry 4.0
  • Duality of theory and practice in an international context (Connectivity)
  • Professional and technical teacher training