Cross-country and cross-phase interface for vocational-technical education and training

The LPI transfer project has set itself the goal of advancing the professionalization of teachers with regard to subject-specific and media-didactic digitization in vocational-technical education. It provides for a synergetic and functional combination of all relevant stakeholders in teacher education (including universities, state and further education institutions, ministries and schools). Existing structures as well as previous efforts and initiatives of the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Hesse will be taken into account and linked with innovative, scientifically supported key topics of digitization. Our key topics are hybrid learning landscapes as de-bounded teaching-learning infrastructures, media packages as modular building blocks of personalized learning in digital environments, responsive learning and learning analytics, virtual, augmented and blended learning and working environments (VR, AR, MR), learning factories, and integrative teaching and school development for digital teaching and learning.

Project implementation, conceptual support and implementation monitoring are carried out according to a research-based and participatory approach. The starting point of LPI is a broad stakeholder and structural analysis. In addition, the premises and conditions for the success of cross-border and cross-phase cooperation are identified. This is followed by integration and networking processes, which in turn lead to concrete professionalization formats and further training structures for teachers. Parallel to these processes, an Internet platform with a topic-specific quality tool and exemplary good-practice approaches will be implemented to enable systematic organizational development in the context of digitization in industrial-technical education.

Basic ideas and premises:

  1. systematic activation of the involved protagonists,
  2. thematic enrichment of the existing and planned structures,
  3. avoidance of parallel structures in the federal states.

As part of the Kompetenzverbund lernen.digital we collaborate in this joint project with TU Darmstadt, University of Stuttgart and PH Schwäbisch-Gmünd.