Scientific support for the school experiment "PERLEN 4.0 -
New learning culture through personalized learning at the vocational school“ of the Bavarian Education Pact Foundation.
The Bavarian Education Pact Foundation launched the PERLEN 4.0 school experiment in cooperation with the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Culture. This is also supported by the vbw -Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e.V. and BMW - Bayerische Motoren Werke AG.
The starting point of the PERLEN 4.0 project is that the learners in vocational training and thus of course also in vocational school lessons have their own learning needs and support needs. Some learners feel slowed down by the regular learning pace, others face language barriers, and still others need targeted and differentiated support in certain topics and content. Digital media and their didactic potential can support the students in their individual skills development in a differentiated manner.
In the PERLEN 4.0 school experiment, a total of 14 vocational schools are working on the development of blended learning formats to promote personalized learning in the sense of personalized learning and support offers. The focus here is on the so-called "Future Skills" for the working world of tomorrow. In this way, the vocational schools want to test in the school trial “PERLEN 4.0” how the learning-related, didactic-methodical and content-related potential in the subject of “digitization” can be used in a targeted manner for professional competence development.
Further information and all the vocational schools with their approaches can be found on the project homepage of the Bavarian Education Pact Foundation.
The Professorship for Technical Education includes the scientific support of the model schools:
- Berufliches Schulzentrum Waldkirchen
- Berufsschule 1 Passau
- Berufsschule Altötting
- Berufsschule Weilheim
- Berufsschule für Fertigungstechnik München
Together with the participating schools, a workshop report has been published, including an interview as a podcast with Stefan Rieder and Daniel Pittich in the topic "Enabling personalized learning with hybrid learning landscapes (HLL)". Under the following links you will be redirected to the podcasts (in german):
- 1 Teil I: Digitaler Unterricht an beruflichen Schulen | 6.1
- 2 Teil II: Idee und Vorteile von hybriden Lernlandschaften | 6.2
- 3 Teil III: Umsetzung in die Praxis | 6.3
- 4 Teil IV: Lernort Berufsschule, überfachliche Kompetenzen und der Bildungsauftrag beruflicher Schulen | 6.4
- Unterrichtsmaterialien der Johann-Bierwirth-Schule Memmingen | 6.5