Wanda Theobald

Office: Technische Universität München
Marsstraße 20–22 (rear building)
80335 München
Room 418, 4th floor
Phone: +49 89 289-24312
E-Mail: wanda.theobald@tum.de
Office hours: By prior appointment



Wanda Theobald joined the Department of Educational Sciences at TUM as a research associate in December 2021. She holds a Magister's degree (master equivalent) in General and Historical Linguistics from LMU (Munich). Prior to her academic work, she taught German as a second language for many years and has lived and worked in Italy, Spain, and India, among other places. She found her way back to academia in the BMBF project 'Innovation and Technology Analysis (ITA)', where she researched diversity in STEM fields at German universities. Subsequently, she led the department's quality management and taught in two modules on 'Diversity in Vocational Education'. Since March 2023 she has been responsible for the coordination of the BMBF project 'Cross-country and cross-phase interface of vocational-technical education (LPI)' at the Assistant Professorship of Technical Education.

Research interests

  • Technical and professional language
  • Linguistic heterogeneity and cultural diversity
  • Stereotype threat and faultlines


  • Theobald, W., Semke, E. (2022). Viel Licht und neue Aufgaben – Münchner Perspektiven zu kultureller Diversität an deutschen Hochschulen. In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (Hrsg.), Diversity nutzen und annehmen: Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (S. 161-175). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-35326-1_8
  • Semke, E., Theobald, W. (2022). Der Weg der kulturellen Annäherung – Vergleich der Gruppengrenzen in der Hochschul- und Betriebswelt. In P. Genkova, E. Semke, H. Schreiber (Hrsg.), Diversity nutzen und annehmen: Praxisimplikationen für das Diversity Management (S. 75-91). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-35326-1_4
  • Semke, E., Theobald, W., Genkova, P. (2022). Stereotype Threat and Faultlines Based on Cultural Diversity in Egineering Education in Germany. In M. Alier Forment and M. Á. Conde (Guest Eds.), International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 38 No. 3 (p. 719-726). Double Peer-Reviewed Publication.