
Last week, Lisa Wintersberg had the opportunity to present at the JURE Conference in Seville, which revolved around the theme "Education and the Need for Dynamic Solutions: Shaping the Future of the Field." Her presentation was titled "Challenges and Needs of Corporate Technical Education and…

The 9th Technical Education Symposium of the Journal of Technical Education (JOTED) will take place at the Technical University of Munich. The symposium’ theme for this year is "Learning from and with each other - cooperation in technical teaching and learning". We are looking forward to exciting…

Following an invitation from Prof. Dr. Jens Siemon from the Faculty of Education at the University of Hamburg, Tobias Ludwig gave a guest lecture on the topic of "Professionalization of vocational teachers for digitally-enriched or hybrid teaching". In terms of content, the concept of "hybrid…

As part of the Digital Day 2024, an information event on the Master's in Vocational Education took place at OTH Amberg-Weiden on June 7. Students from the Bachelor's program Engineering Pedagogy at OTH had the opportunity to inform themselves about the Master's in Vocational Education at TUM and…

We are excited to announce that Christina Ioanna Pappa represented our team at the IEEE EDUCON 2024 conference in Kos. She presented the paper titled "Bridging the Gap: Enhancing STEM Teacher Training through a Mixed-Method Study of Teacher Confidence, Self-Concept, and Self-Efficacy in Technology…

Based on the visit of the Ethiopian delegation led by H.E. Federal Minister Muferihat Kamil to TUM in June 2023, a MoU for the cooperation between the Ministry of Labor and Skills and TUM Technical Education in TVET was signed. Further work will focus on the topic of capacity building. The TUM…

As part of the PERLEN 4.0 school trial workshop in Weiherhammer, Daniel Pittich and Tobias Ludwig presented the results of the study on "Digitaler Unterricht als Entwicklungsaufgabe beruflicher Schulen". In addition to the school-specific feedback already provided, the school management and teachers…

As a follow-up to the October issue, Fabian Ball, Tobias Ludwig, Daniel Pittich, Ralf Tenberg and Drik Schlagentweith are once again publishing an article in the journal of the Bundesverband der Lehrkräfte für Berufsbildung e.V. - Bildung und Beruf (January 2024 issue) as part of Hybrid-Learn. In…

On December 14th, the LPI joint project team met in Munich to celebrate the first milestone and coordinate the next phase of the project. Project staff from all locations came together for a working meeting. The meeting took place in TUM Think Tank from 9 am to 4 pm. Analyses, concepts, drafts and…

On November 22 and 23, 2023, the Competence Network lernen:digital  celebrated it's official kick-off in Berlin, where science, practice and politics discussed ideas for the digital transformation of schools and teacher training. A total of 24 project networks with more than 200 sub-projects are…