Technology in Primary Schools (TÜV-Süd Stiftung)

Teachers´ Professional Development in Science and Technology in Primary Schools

The importance of technology is constantly increasing in the context of rapid technical-productive progress, and affecting all areas and segments of our society. The past few numerous and intensified efforts have been made to develop a technology or STEM orientation and to address "technical learning" in general education at various levels. However, it has been shown that technology (i.e., technical subjects), in contrast to vocational education and training, is clearly underrepresented as a learning object in general education compared to scientific topics. Numerous experiments are conducted more as science-based than technology-related discussions in school teaching and learning. A consideration of technology in all its complexity, its everyday uses and appliances (such as toasters, electronic toothbrushes, but also staplers, hole punches, etc.) is usually only marginally taken into account. In addition, there are currently very few research approaches to technology motivation, interest in technology and technology related learning in general education. In general, it can be stated here that a learning-related approach to real or everyday technology as a complex and interdisciplinary construct represents a major challenge and future task for general education.

Thereby, the current TÜV-Süd Stiftung-funded project aims to develop a teacher professional program as well as concrete school learning scenarios in regard to technical learning in primary schools. During the training program, concrete school learning scenarios will be developed, implemented and optimized, based on the everyday technology as a complex and interdisciplinary contrast.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Christina Ioanna Pappa in the TUM Technical Education team.

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