Scientific monitoring of the amendment of all technical school curricula in the federal state of Hesse (CuFa) (from 2017)
Together with the Department of Technology Didactics of the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Prof. Tenberg), the Chair of Technology Didactics is responsible on behalf of the Hessian Teachers' Academy for the scientific monitoring of the revision of the curricula of the Hessian technical schools in the fields of economics, technology and design. Together with a team of 6 subject coordinators* and almost 100 teachers from different areas of the technical schools, a uniform overall concept for 42 curricula is to be developed and its concrete implementation initiated and supported.
For this purpose, a competence model already implemented in a curriculum of the vocational high school in Hesse will be implemented in CuFa and used for the transformation of the learning goals, which have so far been exclusively presented in a performative way, into knowledge-accentuated competences. The transformation of the previous curricula is carried out in the steps:
1. review of the content and time frames of the individual learning fields, if necessary cuts, extensions or conversion of individual learning fields
2. revision of the performances in the individual learning fields, if necessary deletion, extension or reformulation of individual performances.
3. transfer of the performances in partial competences into the new 4-column competence grids.
4. concretisation of each individual sub-competence through factual, process and reflection knowledge.
In order to meet the requirements of a level concept, a comprehensive taxonomy has been developed, which distinguishes three levels of requirements for the different target categories of the curricula.