Anna Trikoili

Office: Technische Universität München
Marsstraße 20–22 (rear building)
80335 München
Room 472, 4th floor
Phone: +49 89 289-24265
Office hours: By prior appointment


Anna Trikoili has been working as a research assistant in the Assistant Professorship of Technical Education since June 2021. She is working in the project "BBI@TUM", which focuses on the conception and implementation of an international master's program for professionals in vocational education. She has a Bachelor´s degree in Primary Education from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece and a M. Ed. degree in Research on Teaching and Learning from TUM, Munich.She worked for 17 years in teaching and administrative positions for the Greek Ministry of Education and Religion. Since her secondment to Munich, she has worked in bilingual schools, in the Educational Department of the Greek Consulate, and as a language teacher. She has undertaken a range of curriculum development and instructional design tasks. During her studies in TUM, she gained experience in empirical research as a research assistant at the Assistant Professorship of Technical Education, with Professor Pittich.

Research interests

  • Competence development in higher education: Critical thinking and collaborative problem solving
  • 21st-century skills in higher education
  • Teachers' technology acceptance


  • Pappa, Christina Ioanna; Trikoili, Anna; Pittich, Daniel: Bridging the Gap: Enhancing STEM Teacher Training through a Mixed-Method Study of Teacher Confidence, Self-Concept, and Self-Efficacy in Technology Education. 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE, 2024 more…
  • Georgiou, Despoina ; Trikoili, Anna; Kester, Liesbeth: Rethinking determinants of primary school teachers’ technology acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Computers and Education Open 4, 2023, 100145 more…


  • Pappa, Christina Ioanna; Trikoili, Anna; Pittich, Daniel: Bridging the Gap: Enhancing STEM Teacher Training through a Mixed-Method Study of Teacher Confidence, Self-Concept, and Self-Efficacy in Technology Education. EDUCON 2024 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, 2024 more…
  • Trikoili,Anna; Georgiou,Despoina; Pittich,Daniel: Assessing Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills in Higher Education: Evidence from a Case Study. EARLI 2023, 2023 more…
  • Wintersberg, Lisa; Trikoili, Anna; Prummer, Katharina; Pittich, Daniel: Factors affecting skill transfer to the workplace in a Master´s program for professionals. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2023, 2023 more…
  • Trikoili, Anna; Georgiou, Despoina; Pittich, Daniel: Assessing Collaborative Problem-Solving Skills in Higher Education: Evidence from a Case Study. EAPRIL, 2023 more…
  • Trikoili, Anna; Georgiou, Despoina: Teaching during the Pandemic: Greek Primary School Teachers’ Technology Acceptance. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) , 2022 more…
  • Prummer, Katharina; Trikoili, Anna; Pittich, Daniel: Designing a student-centered, international study program in vocational education. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2022, 2022 more…