
Robert Bark and Daniel Pittich have been appointed by the ISB and StMUK respectively as advisors to the Curriculum-Commission / Working Group "Implementation Assistance for the Training Profession of Electronics Technician - Specialisation: Energy and Building Technology". We're looking forward to…

You can find the complete job advertisement under the following link:

During a virtual kick-off event on Wednesday, 10 March 2021, Rupert Heindl and Daniel Pittich presented the concept of the scientific support and the underlying didactic-methodological approach, discussed it together with the teachers of the schools involved as well as the representatives of the ALP…

In mid-February, 31 South African TVET managers started the postgraduate programme 'TVET Leadership for Transformation'. The Professorship for Techncial Education together with the University of Pretoria (UP) is leading the second cohort in the GIZ-funded project through the hybrid course programme.…

We are happy to announce our participation in the project "EuroTeQ Engineering University" and the workpackage 4 "Professional - Framework of qualification". EuroTeQ is a cooperation project among six partner universities: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de…

We feel that the annual report is a nice idea and an opportunity to look back on the joint work and cooperation in research and teaching of the past months, and at the same time to thank everyone for the joint exchange, the cooperation and the trust placed in us. Despite the current situation, we…

Frank Dieball and Daniel Pittich gave a presentation entitled "Azubis als Auditor*innen - Wie Sie Qualitätsmanagement-Skills aktiv in Ihre Ausbildung integrieren" at the German Congress of Training Managers 2020. Based on the BMBF/BIBB project "NAUZUBI", concrete procedures for implementation were…

Due to the situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic, we have decided to implement this year's Technology Didactics Symposium 2020 virtually and at the same time make up for the planned attendance event from 17 to 19 November 2021 at the TUM Akademiezentrum Raitenhaslach. This year, the symposium…

We would like to warmly welcome all our students in the winter semester 2020/2021. The courses of the Technical Education chair will take place in self-learning environments based on the idea of hybrid learning via the learning platform Moodle. The students will be introduced to self-organized…

Digitalization and the use of digital media in vocational education has received a massive boost again, not least due to the Corona pandemic and the associated restrictions on present instruction. However, the implementation of digital media and digital learning environments poses new challenges…