On June 21st and 22nd, 2023, the Assistant Professorship of Technical Education and the TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning welcomed participants from the six European EuroTeQ universities in Munich.
On the first day, all members met in the TUM Think Tank of the Munich School of Politics and Public Policy to discuss the most important results and findings of the first three years of the EuroTeQ project. The results of the different work packages were presented, further discussed, and finalized. In addition to a review of the first project phase, the participants also received a brief outlook on the next phase.
On the second day, different working groups gathered in the Marsstraße facilities to maintain the partner universities' collaboration in the second phase and to build up a network for alumni.
After meetings in Tallinn in December 2022 and Prague in March 2023, the approximately 30 participants now conclude the first phase of the EuroTeQ project with important insights for the further project period as well as with Bavarian impressions.