
New ISB implementation guide based on the didactic-methodical structural concept of TUM technology didactics published

Daniel Pittich and Robert Bark acted in an advisory capacity in the ISB's working group on the implementation guide for electronics technicians specialising in energy and building technology. Here is the ISB's publication on the implementation guide:
"Hardly any other occupational sector is affected by the digital transformation as much as that of electrical apprenticeships. Digitisation, smart living, the energy and transport transition - all these factors are changing the world of work considerably, also in the electrical trade. This implementation aid and the underlying didactic-methodical structural concept are intended to support teachers of the training occupation of electronics technician specialising in energy and building technology by providing appropriate instructions and suggestions for implementing the curriculum guidelines structured according to learning fields and thus promoting the acquisition of vocational action competence. In addition to this, the teaching examples, which come directly from classroom practice, are intended to serve as suggestions for own teaching ideas (tranlated into English)".

Link to the implementation guide: