Katharina Prummer

Office: Technische Universität München
Marsstraße 20–22 (rear building)
80335 München
Room 471, 4th floor
Phone: +49 89 289-24395
E-Mail: katharina.prummer@tum.de
Office hours: By prior appointment



Katharina Prummer has been a research assistant at the Assistant Professorship of Technical Education at TUM since November 2019. From 2019 until April 2021, she worked on the "TVET Leadership for Transformation" project in cooperation with the University of Pretoria, South Africa. Previously, she obtained a B.A. European Studies and B.Ed. in Teaching at the University of Passau. She completed her master's degree in Adult and Further Education (M.A.) at Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen. During her studies, she worked as a research assistant at the Centre for Teaching and Learning in a project for tutors and mentors. She gained further practical experience in industry and further education with stays abroad in Australia, Spain and China (VR). Since April 2021, she has been coordinating the BBI@TUM project - a scientifically supported development and support of the BMBF-funded Master's degree program in Vocational Education and Innovation. From January to February 2023, she was invited for a research stay at the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

Research interests

  • Leadership and innovation
  • Mentoring in Blended Learning formats
  • Methods and Didactics in Higher Education
  • international comparative research in VET with a focus on Germany and South Africa
  • Qualitative research methods


  • Prummer, Katharina; Human-Vogel, Salomé; Pittich, Daniel: Vocational education and training in South Africa: leaders' perceptions of a mentoring framework in a professional development programme. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 2023 more…
  • Pittich, Daniel; Prummer, Katharina: Potenziale von Job-Shadowing in der internationalen Berufsbildung – Praxisnahe Kontextualisierung im Projekt BBI@TUM. Berufsbildung International. Umwelten., 2022 more…
  • Pappa, Christina Ioanna; Prummer, Katharina; Pittich, Daniel: Analyzing the future Engineering Education in Europe: First evidence from six European countries. 2021 World Engineering Education Forum/Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF/GEDC), IEEE, 2021 more…


  • Prummer, Katharina; Graham, Marien; Human-Vogel, Salomé; Pittich, Daniel: Developing leaders' emotional intelligence through mentoring? Evidence from a comparative study in VET in South Africa. EASA - Education Association of South Africa, 2024 more…
  • Prummer, Katharina; Graham, Marien; Human-Vogel, Salomé; Pittich, Daniel: Does mentoring enhance VET leaders’ emotional intelligence and subjective well-being? European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2023, 2023 more…
  • Prummer, Katharina; Pittich, Daniel: TVET managers' perceptions of mentoring in a blended-learning in-service program. Education Association of South Africa (EASA), 2023 more…
  • Wintersberg, Lisa; Trikoili, Anna; Prummer, Katharina; Pittich, Daniel: Factors affecting skill transfer to the workplace in a Master´s program for professionals. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2023, 2023 more…
  • Prummer, Katharina; Pittich, Daniel: Wahrnehmung eines Mentoringkonzepts als Unterstützungselement in einem berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildungsprogramm für Lehrkräfte im Schulmanagement in Südafrika. Mentoring als zentrales Element der Lehrkräftebildung: Forschungs- und Professionalisierungsansätze, 2023 more…
  • Prummer, Katharina; Trikoili, Anna; Pittich, Daniel: Designing a student-centered, international study program in vocational education. European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) 2022, 2022 more…
  • Pappa, Christina Ioanna; Prummer, Katharina; Pittich, Daniel: Analyzing the future Engineering Education in Europe- First evidence from six European countries. World Engineering Education Forum-Global Engineering Deans Council (WEEF-GEDC), 2021 more…