9. JOTED Technikdidaktik-Symposium

10th - 11th of October 2024 at the Technical University of Munich

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Learning from and with each other – Collaboration in technical teaching and learning

The 9th Symposium of Technical Education hosted by the Journal of Technical Education (JOTED) revolves around the theme 'Learning from and with each other – Collaboration in technical teaching and learning.' With this guiding principle, the Symposium facilitates exchange and networking among various stakeholders in technical teaching and learning. 

The 9th Symposium of Technical Education welcomes submissions on a wide range of topics. Empirical research approaches in technical educationas well as practical approaches to all current themes of technical teaching and learning can be submitted. 

The following formats are available:

  1. Presentation (Empirical research) | Template
  2. Presentation (Practical reports) | Template
  3. Poster Session | Template

Call for Paper

Abstracts for all three formats must be submitted via Conftool by August 15th, 2024. The specifics of the three formats and abstract templates can be found on the website and Conftool. Review results will be published by August 25th, 2024.  


  • Registration via Conftool: By September 15th, 2024
  • Abstract submission: By August 15th, 2024
  • Review results: By August 25th, 2024 


  • If you have any questions or comments, please write to us at the conference address.
  • Submission of abstracts via Conftool.
  • Registration for the conference  via Conftool (activation in the course of July).