
Research group represented at the EARLI SIG 03 conference

From 27-30 August 2024, we will host the 13th International Conference on Conceptual Change. The conference theme is Conceptual Change in the Era of Digital Transformation. Researchers from around the globe will discuss the potential of digital media to support conceptual learning. Our chair is represented at the conference with a total of four contributions.

Study on Real-Time Adaptation of Support in Mathematical Simulations Published

In this article, we investigated the effectiveness of real-time adaptation of learning support (scaffolding) on the diagnostic competencies of pre-service teachers in a video-based simulation. Our results show that adaptive scaffolding, based on the individual diagnostic processes of the pre-service teachers, had no significant impact on the accuracy of the diagnoses. This underscores the complexity and challenges involved in developing effective adaptive teaching methods. The article provides a comprehensive discussion of this issue and offers a scheme for future systematic investigations of adaptivity in this field.

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Study on the relationships between motivational and emotional orientations and domain knowledge in teaching statistics published

Previous research has shown that teachers generally have positive motivational and emotional orientations towards teaching statistics, but they possess only limited knowledge of statistics. In this article, we analyzed how these seemingly contradictory findings fit together and found that while mathematics teachers' orientations towards the subject of statistics are generally positive, they are less positive compared to other mathematics topics. Furthermore, it was found that teachers' orientations are related to their knowledge of statistics. The article therefore advocates for a holistic strengthening of the statistics curriculum in teacher education – focusing both on the promotion of subject knowledge and orientations.

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Study on the measurement of TPACK in mathematics teachers published

Our study examined the relationship between mathematics teachers' self-reported technological pedagogical content knowledge and their actual performance on a paper-pencil test. The results show low correlations between self-reports and test scores, suggesting that self-reports may not accurately reflect teachers' knowledge and may be influenced by personal traits such as self-efficacy and social desirability. This raises concerns about the validity of using self-reports to assess professional knowledge and recommends greater reliance on externally assessed tests.

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Study on pre-service teachers’ assessment processes in a digital simulation published

In this article, we analysed pre-service teachers' assessment processes using log data in a digital simulation. Our findings show distinct engagement modes that were linked to individual interest. Moreover, the engagement modes explained pre-service teachers’ assessment accuracy above and beyond their professional knowledge. The results can be used to implement adaptive support of pre-service teachers’ assessment competencies.

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Working group represented at GECon

The IEEE German Education Conference 2024 (GECon) will take place in Munich from August 5 to August 7. Our working group will be represented at the conference with a contribution that was developed in cooperation with the Chair of Data Processing of TUM. The contribution was honored with the "Best Paper Award".

Working group represented at the MCLS conference

The annual conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS) will take place in Washington D.C. from June 26 to June 28. Our working group will be represented at the conference with two contributions.

Study on eye movements when comparing tape diagrams of fractions published

Tape diagrams are a useful visualization for comparing the magnitudes of fractions. They can be discretized (with visible subdivisions) or continuous (without visible subdivisions). In our study, we used eye movements to show that both adults and children use inefficient and error-prone counting strategies more often when comparing discretized than continuous tape diagrams. This means that continuous tape diagrams should be used more frequently in the instruction on fractions.

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Research stay in Canada

Christian Schons is currently spending a month at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton, Canada. There he is visiting Prof Dr David Wagner and presenting parts of his PhD project at the Atlantic Education Graduate Student Conference (AEGSC). He also takes part in the annual conference of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG) in Quebec City.

Study about the differential effects of language‐responsive learning materials in mathematics published

Difficulties in the language of instruction can impair mathematical learning. Students with language difficulties could, therefore, benefit from teaching materials with additional language support. But do students with stronger language skills also benefit from such support or does it hamper them? This study, published in the journal Educational Studies in Mathematics, examines the differential effects of teaching materials with language support on learning fractions.

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We say goodbye to Prof. Dr. Anselm Strohmaier

Prof. Dr. Anselm Strohmaier has left our team as of April 1, 2024, to accept a professorship at PH Ludwigsburg. We would like to sincerely thank him for his years of collaboration and wish him all the best for his future endeavors!

Research stay in Tanzania

Alina Kadluba is currently completing a four-week research stay at Dar es Salaam University (DUCE) in Tanzania. There, she is exchanging ideas with Prof. Dr. Eunice Mureithi, Dr. Florence Kyaruzi and Dr. Joseph Njiku about teachers' knowledge on the use of digital media in mathematics education and presenting parts of her PhD project. We wish her exciting insights, stimulating discussions and new impulses for her own research!

Working group represented at the GDM conference

This week, the 57th annual conference of the “Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik” (GDM) is taking place in Essen. Our chair is represented with a total of ten contributions.

Invitation to the Forum TUMpaed in January 2024

School principals and all interested teachers from our reference high schools are cordially invited to the Forum TUMpaed Forum on Friday, 19 January 2024. One focus of the event is on digital training concepts that are being developed as part of the MINT Competence Centre (DigiProMIN). The event can be credited as continuing education.

Study about the role of teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) on their eye movements published

To be able to assess learners' potential difficulties of a mathematical task, teachers need pedagogical content knowledge (PKC). This study is the first to investigate the causal influence of PCK on prospective teachers' eye movements during their assessement of tasks on functions. Participants who had recieved instruction about learners' typical difficulties with functions exhibited more efficient eye movements and focused more on the relevant parts of the tasks.

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Research stay by Dr. Jennifer Kaminski

In October, we welcome Dr. Jennifer Kaminski for a guest stay at our department. Dr. Kaminski, who works at the Mathematical Cognition Lab at Wright State University in Ohio, conducts research on mathematical reasoning and learning in children and adults. We look forward to her valuable insights and engaging discussions.

Working group represented at the EARLI conference

Next week, the 20th EARLI conference will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece. The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) is the biggest educational association in Europe. Our working group is represented at the conference with a total of eight contributions.

We welcome Ms. Tzyy-Yuh Maa

We are pleased to welcome Ms. Tzyy-Yuh Maa to our chair. Ms. Maa is an elementary school teacher, originally from Taiwan and is doing her doctorate at the National Taichung University of Education on the topic of large-scale international mathematical item analysis. During a one-year stay abroad, she visits our chair and will work with us to investigate the cross-country mathematics/education comparisons built on our ongoing studies and joint research focus.

Working group represented at the PME 

The 46th PME conference is currently taking place in Haifa, Israel. The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) is one of the largest international conferences in the field of mathematics education. Our working group is represented at the conference with six contributions. 

Our team is growing!

We are happy to welcome Dr. Michael Nickl to our team! Dr. Nickl is working on the DigiProMIN project. In this project, simulations are used for the education and training of mathematics teachers and are further developed on a research basis. 

Invitation to the TUM: Junge Akademie Academy Talk

Does the German education system have a future in its current form? The TUM Junge Akademie invites you to the academy discussion Education in Transition: Between Opportunities and Limits of Innovation on 19.07.2023 at 6:00 pm. Prof. Dr. Kristina Reiss is invited as a discussant. Further information and registration for participation can be found here.

Application deadline for teacher education programs ends on July 15th​​​​

Dear prospective students, the application deadline for teacher education programs at TUM for the upcoming winter semester 2023/24 ends on July 15th. You can find further information regarding the application process and our programs here.

Eye-tracking literature review most cited article in ESM

According to the Clarivate Journal Citation Report 2022, the article Eye-tracking methodology in mathematics education research: A systematic literature review (Strohmaier, MacKay, Obersteiner, & Reiss, 2020) was the most cited article in Educational Studies in Mathematics (ESM) last year. ESM is considered the most influential European journal on mathematics didactics research. The article is freely available via:

Practice-relevant article published in mathematik lehren

The current issue of the practice-relevant journal mathematik lehren contains an article by Anselm Strohmaier entitled Lineare Funktionen in Szene setzen. Ein enaktiver Zugang durch szenisches Lernen. mathematik lehren is considered the leading journal for mathematics education in Germany.

We congratulate Ana María Suárez Mesa on her successful doctorate

Congratulations to Ana María Suárez Mesa for successfully completing her PhD on 26 June 2023. Ana Maria completed a DAAD residency at our department and at the Centre for International Student Assessment from May 2021 to April 2022. The topic of her PhD was Individual and institutional factors influencing teachers' motivation and students' motivation and scientific literacy. A multi-level analysis using data from PISA 2015. The PhD was supervised by Prof. Dr. Kristina Reiss, among others.

Start of the DigiProMIN project


The recently launched DigiProMIN project aims to train primary school teachers in mathematics using a digital learning environment. The teacher training courses that are developed as part of the project are designed to help primary school teachers identify typical mathematical misconceptions and use them productively in the classroom. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and will run until September 2025.

Meta-analysis on the role of linguistic features for comprehension and learning from STEM texts published

Together with colleagues from the ERLE Research Centre at Leuphana University Lüneburg and the University of Duisburg-Essen, Anselm Strohmaier has published a meta-analysis in the high-impact journal Educational Research Review. The article deals with the effects of linguistic changes in STEM texts on learning success. The results show that such changes generally have only moderate effects. However, especially for learners with low prior knowledge, changes that closely integrate language and content have a significant positive effect. The study is open to the public until 5 June.

Lectureship at Stellenbosch University

At the end of March, Sarah Scheuerer completed a five-day teaching visit to the Faculty of Education at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, where she taught prospective mathematics teachers from different school types about the teaching and learning of statistics. In addition, Sarah Scheuerer had the opportunity to learn about different teaching approaches in teacher training and to exchange ideas with teachers from Stellenbosch University. The stay was funded by the Erasmus+ mobility programme.

Research stay at Loughborough University

Between February and April, Christian Schons is completing a research stay at the Department of Mathematics Education at Loughborough University. One aim of the stay is to plan and conduct a study in collaboration with Meghan Foulkers and Hanna Weiers within the framework of a CMC Small Grant from the Centre for Mathematical Cognition. Christian Schons will also present and discuss his PhD project in the working group's seminar.

Eye-Tracking Workshop at TUM Open Campus

Sabrina Schwarzmeier and Anselm Strohmaier offered a workshop on eye-tracking in mathematics education at the TUM Open Campus with the support of the Chair for Human-Centered Technologies for Learning. 15 students participated in an experiment comparing fraction, which was analysed and discussed afterwards. In addition to information on teacher training, the guests also learned about the research perspective on learning mathematics.

Special Issue in Learning and Instruction on Adaptivity

Together with Fien Depaepe (KU Leuven), Anselm Strohmaier and Andreas Obersteiner are editing a special issue in Learning and Instruction entitled "Using Real-Time Process Data of Domain-Specific Learning Processes to Provide Adaptive Support for Learning and Instruction". Learning and Instruction is one of the most influential journals in educational reasearch.

The open call for the special isse runs until 30 June and can be found at the following link:

New project seminar in the week of 09 - 13 January

Dear Students!
As part of the TUM Project Weeks, our chair, in cooperation with the Chair of Didactics of Computer Science and the Chair of Probability Theory, offers the project seminar "Development of digital tools for learning stochastics in the classfroom from a multidisciplinary perspective". Click here to register for the seminar in TUMOnline.

Study on strategy use in fraction comparison published

How do people decide which of two fractions is larger? We asked adults to solve challenging fraction comparisons on a computer and to report their strategies after each trial. We found that participants used a large variety of strategies, and they often did so in an adaptive way. However, participants sometimes used invalid strategies, which partly explained the “natural number bias” observed in this study. The study contributes to discussions about the use of fraction comparisons as a measure of mental representations of fractions. It is published in the Journal of Numerical Cognition.

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Invitation to the Forum TUMpaed and guests on 25 November 2022

Principals, supervising teachers of our students, and all teachers interested in school development from our reference grammar schools and other grammar schools in the Munich area are cordially invited to the TUMpaed and Guests forum on Friday, November 25, 2022. The Department of Educational Sciences will offer not only discussion rounds, but also various workshops on exciting topics from educational research. Our chair will offer a workshop on "Mathematics learning with digital support", which will also introduce digital tools developed or used in the projects RocketTutor and ALICE:Teach. The event can be credited as professional development.

Block Seminar Mathematics, Art and Nature started

Together with the Stiftung Kunst und Natur, the Chair of Mathematics Education organises a block seminar in Nantesbuch every winter semester. Today, this year's participants set off with Sabrina Schwarzmeier to the forests and moors of Upper Bavaria in search of the connection between nature, art, and mathematics. We wish them a lot of fun!

Registration for courses in WiSe 2022/23

Registration for our courses offered in the winter semester 2022/23 is now possible in TUMonline. The area Teaching contains overviews of our planned courses. We are pleased to announce that we can also offer the seminar Advanced Seminar in Mathematics Education for Science Education and Vocational Education as well as Business Education as a block course in Nantesbuch in cooperation with the Foundation Kunst und Natur. The places for the seminar are limited. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact Sabrina Schwarzmeier.

Cooperation with Loughborough University

In July, Christian Schons and Anselm Strohmaier visited Loughborough University together with Frank Reinhold (PH Freiburg) as Visiting Fellows. At a joint workshop on the analysis of learning process data, a research collaboration was developed. The stay was supported by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).

Article on the effects of scaffolding in a digital simulation to foster diagnostic competencies published

In our research project D1Ma2 (COSIMA), we developed a simulation for fostering diagnostic competencies of prospective primary school teachers. In this article, we investigated the effects of content-related and strategic scaffolding on learners' subjective experience and diagnostic accuracy in the simulation. The results indicate that the experience in the simulation was hardly influenced by the two types of scaffolding. Content-related scaffolding tended to improve diagnostic accuracy compared to a control group.

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Dr. Strohmaier elected for PME International Committee

During the Annual Conference of  the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) in Alicante, Spain, Dr. Anselm Strohmaier has been elected as a member of the International Committee. The board consists of 16 elected members and the period of office is four years.

Our team is growing

We are very happy to welcome Michael D'Erchie as new colleague in our team. He studied Science Education (Teaching at Academic Secondary Schools) with the subjects mathematics and physics and now supports the research project FractAl. Have a good start!

Book chapter on diagnosing with digital simulations published

This chapter describes a digital simulation, in which (prospective) teachers can assess virtual students' mathematical abilities. The simulation was developed in the DFG Research Group COSIMA and is currently being further developed in the D1Ma2 project. The chapter is published access free in the book entitled Learning to Diagnose with Simulations, which includes the description of all digital simulations and related projects of the COSIMA group.  

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Prof. Obersteiner new member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Learning and Instruction

Prof. Obersteiner is new member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the international journal of Learning and Instruction. The journal is edited by the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), and one of the most widespread journal in educational research.

Study published on diagnostic processes in digital simulations

Digital simulations can foster diagnostic competencies. To make simulations adaptive, they need to be able to make sense of the log data. In this study, we were able to predict diagnostic performance on the basis of theoretically derived features of diagnostic processes in a digital simulation. This study is an interdisciplinary collaboration within the research group COSIMA, supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG).  

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Book chapter on the neurocognitive foundations of fraction processing published 

What happens in the brain when we process fractions? This chapter, published in the Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics , provides an overview of research addressing this question. It focusses on studies that use cognitive and neuroscientific methods. The chapter also discusses implications and open questions from an interdisciplinary perspective, including neurscience and mathematics education.   

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Study on prospective teachers' eye movements during task assessment published

Teachers should be able to detect task features that are potentially challenging for students. To that end, they need to identify relevant task features. This study, published in the journal RISTAL–Research in Subject-Matter Teaching and Learning, addressed the question whether eye tracking allows assessing such identification processes.  

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