Sabrina Schwarzmeier, M.Ed.
Office: Marsstraße 20-22
Room 263, 2nd floor
Phone: +49 - (0)89 - 289 - 25108
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday to Friday by appointment
Curriculum vitae
- 10/2021 - present: Research scientist at Heinz Nixdorf Chair of Mathematics Education, Technical University of Munich
- 10/2019 - 09/2022: M.Ed. Science Education Mathematics and Physics, Technical University of Munich
- 09/2021: First state exam for a teaching position at academic secondary schools in Bavaria (Mathematics, Physics)
- 05/2020 - 12/2020: Research assistant, Centre for International Student Assessment
- 10/2016 - 09/2019: B.Ed. Science Education Mathematics and Physics, Technical University of Munich
- 10/2015 - 09/2016: Orientation studies "studium naturale", Technical University of Munich
Research Interests
- Use of eye tracking in mathematics education
- Representations of fractions
- Cognitive processes during fraction comparisons
Research Project
Here you can find the description of my research project FracVisET.
Attended conferences
- Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME), Alicante, Spain, 2022
- Annual meeting of the "Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik" (GDM), Frankfurt, Germany, 2022
- Junior researchers conference of the "Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik" (GDM), Leipzig, Germany, 2022
- Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2023
- Junior Researchers Pre-Conference of EARLI, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2023
- Meeting of the Scientific Research Community W000519N, Leuven, Belgium, 2023
- Annual meeting of the "Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik" (GDM), Essen, Germany, 2024
- Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Socienty (MCLS), Washington, D.C., USA, 2024
- IEEE German Education Conference (GECon), Munich, Germany, 2024
Publications and Presentations
Obersteiner, A., Schwarzmeier, S., Alibali, M. W., & Marupudi, V. (2022). Adults' eye movements when comparing discretized or continuous fraction visualizations. In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, A. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4, S. 384). PME.
Schwarzmeier, S., Obersteiner, A., Alibali, M. W., & Marupudi, V. (2023). Diskretisierte und kontinuierliche Visualisierungen von Brüchen: Eine Eye-Tracking Studie mit Erwachsenen. In IDMI-Primar Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Ed.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2022: 56. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik. WTM.
Schwarzmeier, S., Obersteiner, A., Alibali, M. W., & Marupudi, V. (2023). Comparing Continuous and Discretized Tape Diagrams of Fractions: An Eye-Tracking Study with Adults. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference.
Schwarzmeier, S., Obersteiner, A., Alibali, M. W., & Marupudi, V. (2023). Why Continuous Tape Diagrams of Fractions are Easier to Process than Discretized ones: Evidence from Adults’ and Children’s Eye-Movements. WOG 2023.
Schwarzmeier, S., Obersteiner, A., Alibali, M. W., & Marupudi, V. (2024). How do people compare visualizations of fraction magnitudes? Evidence from adults’ and children’s eye movements with continuous and discretized tape diagrams. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 75, 101160. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmathb.2024.101160
Schwarzmeier, S., & Obersteiner, A. (2024). Is Students’ Ability of Visually Comparing Fraction Magnitudes Related to Their General Fraction Knowledge? An Eye-Tracking Study. MCLS Conference.
Winter semester 2024/2025
- Didaktik der Geometrie und Stochastik Übung für NB
- Seminar zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der Mathematikdidaktik
Summer semester 2024
- Mathematikdidaktische Vertiefung für NB/BB
- Begleitseminar zum fachdidaktischen Blockpraktikum im Fach Mathematik für BB
Winter semester 2023/2024
- Mathematikdidaktische Vertiefung für NB/BB
- Seminar zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten in der Mathematikdidaktik
Summer semester 2023
- Begleitseminar zum studienbegleitenden fachdidaktischen Praktikum im Fach Mathematik für NB
Winter semester 2022/2023
- Mathematikdidaktische Vertiefung für NB/BB
- Didaktik der Geometrie und Stochastik Übung für NB
Summer semester 2022
- Mathematikdidaktische Vertiefung für NB
- Didaktik der Geometrie und Stochastik Übung für NB
- Begleitseminar zum fachdidaktischen Blockpraktikum im Fach Mathematik für BB
Winter semester 2021/2022
- Mathematikdidaktische Vertiefung für NB/BB