"What remains? - Survey of teachers at vocational schools on instructional design before, during, and after pandemic-related school closures"
- Master Thesis, Business Education
- Topic creator: Andreas Obersteiner
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
The (partial) school closures during the Corona pandemic abruptly presented many teachers with major challenges in lesson planning and implementation. This final paper uses a qualitative interview study to examine how the lesson planning and delivery of teachers at vocational schools changed and developed across the different phases of the pandemic, primarily asking the question, "What remains after the pandemic?"
"Using digital tools in statistics education".
- Master thesis, Science education
- Topic creator: Andreas Obersteiner
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
The use of digital media can have a positive effect on students' learning outcomes in mathematics - especially if digital tools are not used as a substitute to other teaching methods, but are used in addition. The use of technology is also a highly relevant area of research in statistics didactics. One of the purposes of this thesis is to investigate the extent to which spreadsheet programs, whose use in the classroom is intended by the curriculum, can enrich the teaching of statistics.
"The role of statistics in the context of the grammar school teacher training program in mathematics at Bavarian universities."
- Bachelor Thesis, Science Education
- Topic creator: Andreas Obersteiner
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
Statistical content is increasingly finding its way into school curricula. However, teachers at schools find it a challenge to teach statistics, because they often do not feel sufficiently prepared or suited to support their learners in the difficulties they encounter. This thesis therefore examines subject-specific and subject-didactic requirements for the education of mathematics teachers in statistics and reviews the extent to which Bavarian universities meet these requirements.
"Intuition and decision - a mathematics didactic reappraisal for teaching economics in vocational schools".
- Master Thesis, Business Education
- Topic creator: Andreas Obersteiner
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
In the course of Economy 4.0, employment content is becoming increasingly complex and decisions often have to be made intuitively under high time pressure. This thesis deals with intuitive decision patterns and their rational explainability with the help of mathematics. Even though intuitive decisions and their consequences are not explicitly required in the curricula of commercial training professions at the moment, learning situations are developed for business vocational school teaching that address intuitive and rational decisions in the context of typical topics in the profession.
"Development of a digital application for the reduction of stochastic misconceptions in adulthood".
- Master Thesis, Vocational Education
- Topic creator: Kristina Reiss
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
There are many misconceptions in the field of stochastics, some of which are even more common with age or are still present in adulthood regardless of the level of knowledge. This thesis systematically classifies the known misconceptions into the subject areas of stochastics and analyzes subject didactic strategies how to counteract such misconceptions in mathematics education. The findings are captured in the form of a digital learning application for prospective mathematics teachers.
"Design and Implementation of a Flipped Classroom Unit for Hypothesis Testing."
- Master Thesis, Vocational Education
- Topic creator: Kristina Reiss
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
"Flipped Classroom" is not only considered an innovative teaching concept in times of distance learning, which enables differentiated instruction. In the "flipped classroom", students work out the learning content independently at home, while the time in class is used for questions, discussions and extensive practice sequences. This paper summarizes previous findings on the effectiveness as well as the implementation of Flipped Classroom. Based on these findings, a Flipped Classroom unit on "Relative Frequency and Probability" is elaborated for FOS.
"The importance of statistics in the teaching profession and its role in teacher education."
- Bachelor Thesis, Science Education
- Topic creator: Andreas Obersteiner
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
The subject area of statistics is becoming more and more relevant in many situations in life, but also in many professions, including the teaching profession. The present thesis elaborates on those areas in the teaching profession where knowledge of statistics is needed. In addition, the question is investigated whether the grammar school teacher training in Bavaria is designed to equip the prospective teachers with the necessary competencies and knowledge in the field of statistics. For this purpose, the module handbooks of the Bavarian universities and the textbooks and in-service training courses offered by the Academy for Teacher Training in Dillingen were analyzed.
"Approaches to and misconceptions about the binomial coefficient in theory and practice".
- Master Thesis, Vocational Education Integrated
- Topic creator: Kristina Reiss
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
The binomial coefficient frequently appears in secondary school mathematics classes in combinatorics, in the context of binomial distribution, and in binomial formulas. In this master thesis, approaches to the binomial coefficient and misconceptions in dealing with it are considered and evaluated. From this, consequences for the concrete practical implementation in the classroom are derived, with the aim that learners can link the binomial coefficient with already existing knowledge, experience pleasure in dealing with it and experience a high increase in knowledge and competence.
"Golden ratio as an interdisciplinary teaching project".
- Master Thesis, Vocational Education Integrated
- Topic creator: Kristina Reiss
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
Even though the golden section is not explicitly given space in the curriculum of mathematics for the Bavarian Gymnasium, it is at least suggested as a cross-curricular teaching project. This final paper deals with interdisciplinary teaching as well as networked thinking and develops an interdisciplinary teaching project on the topic of the golden ratio, taking into account the insights gained.
"Combinatorics as a bridge to stochastics - a handbook for teachers".
- Bachelor Thesis, Science Education
- Topic creator: Kristina Reiss
- Supervisor: Sarah Scheuerer
Combinatorics is often considered only as an auxiliary science of stochastics and thus hardly treated independently in the classroom. This thesis deals with didactical insights in the field of combinatorics and relates them to probability theory. On the basis of these findings, a handbook for (prospective) teachers is compiled, which didactically reworks and compiles the most important counting methods.