Michael D'Erchie, M.Ed.

Office: Marsstraße 20-22
Room 267, 2nd floor
Phone: +49 - (0)89 - 289 - 25399
E-Mail: michael.derchie@tum.de
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday on demand


Curriculum vitae

since 07/2022 Research Assistant at the Heinz Nixdorf Chair of Mathematics Education, Technical University of Munich
2019 - 2023 Master of Education (M.Ed.) Science Education with Emphases on Mathematics and Physics for Teaching Profession for Secondary School Education, Technical University of Munich
03/2022 First state exam for a teaching profession at grammar schools in Bavaria (Mathematics and Physics)
2016 - 2019 Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Science Education with Emphases on Mathematics and Physics for Teaching Profession for Secondary School Education, Technical University of Munich


Research projects

FractAl Fraction Competence and Algebra Competence: Measuring, Modelling, and Explaining Their Predictive Inter-Relations
FracMag Fraction magnitude: promoting the development of size concepts for fraction numbers at the beginning of secondary school - behavioral effects and neural correlates

Attended Conferences and Meetings

10/2024 Meeting of the scientific research network Research Areas in Dialogue: Grasping the Complexity of Learning and Instruction, Leuven, Belgium
08/2024 13th International Conference on Conceptual Change (EARLI SIG 03), Munich, Germany
06/2024 7th Annual Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS), Washington D.C., USA
03/2024 57th Annual Meeting of the "Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik" (GDM), Essen, Germany
10/2023 Meeting of the scientifc research community Developing and stimulating competencies: Methodological challenges and opportunities for research, Leuven, Belgium
08/2023 27th JURE-Conference and 20th Biennial EARLI-Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece
04/2023 Spring Meeting of the Working Group Empirical Educational Research, Freiburg, Germany
10/2022 Autumn Meeting of the Working Group Psychology and Mathematics Education, Rauischholzhausen, Germany
09/2022 Junior Researchers Conference of the "Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik" (GDM), Leipzig, Germany

Posters and Talks

*D'Erchie, M., Rosenkranz, J., Schwarzmeier, S., & Obersteiner, A. (2024). Reducing the Natural Number Bias Through Magnitude-Based Reasoning: Results of an Intervention Study. 13th International Conference on Conceptual Change, Munich, Germany.

*Forsmann, C., D'Erchie, M., Obersteiner, A., & Schneider, M. (2024). Rethinking the Relationship Between Fractions and Algebra Using Network Analysis. 13th International Conference on Conceptual Change, Munich, Germany.

*D'Erchie, M., Rosenkranz, J., Schwarzmeier, S., & Obersteiner, A. (2024). Overcoming the Natural Number Bias in Fraction Comparison Through Magnitude-Based Reasoning. 7th Annual Conference of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society (MCLS), Washington D.C., USA.

*D'Erchie, M., Forsmann, C., Obersteiner, A., & Schneider, M. (2024). Korrelative Beziehungen zwischen konzeptuellem und prozeduralem Wissen über Bruchzahlen und Algebra [Correlative relationships between conceptual and procedural knowledge of fractions and algebra]. 57th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM), Essen, Germany.

*Forsmann, C., D'Erchie, M., Obersteiner, A., & Schneider, M. (2023). Is the Correlation Between Fraction and Algebra Knowledge Based More on Concepts Than Procedures? 20th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Thessaloniki, Greece.

Forsmann, C., D'Erchie, M., Obersteiner, A., & Schneider, M. (2022). Developing Measures of Conceptual and Procedural Fraction and Algebra Knowledge in Grade 9: A Pilot Study [Poster presentation]. Meeting of the scientific network “Developing and stimulating competencies: Methodological challenges and opportunities for research”, Leuven, Belgium.



WS 24/25 Seminar on Mathematics Education Specialization (NB),
First State Exam Preparation Course in Mathematics Education
SS 24 Exercises in the Didactics of Geometry and Stochastics (BB and MBBI)
WS 23/24 Exercises in the Didactics of Algebra, Numbers, and Functions (NB)
SS 23 First State Exam Preparation Course in Mathematics Education
WS 22/23 First State Exam Preparation Course in Mathematics Education
WS 21/22 Tutor for Higher Mathematics 1 for Civil and Environmental Engineering
SS 21 Homework correction for Higher Analysis LG
(Complex Analysis and Ordinary Differential Equations)
WS 20/21 Tutor for Higher Mathematics 1 for Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Homework correction for Analysis 3 LG
SS 20 Homework correction for Linear Algebra 2 LG
WS 19/20 Tutor for Higher Mathematics 1 for Civil and Environmental Engineering
SS 19 Tutor for Experimental Physics 2
WS 18/19 Tutor for Experimental Physics 1


Memberships in Scientific Organisations

EARLI/JURE European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction
GDM Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik