Alina Kadluba


Office:                        Marsstraße 20-22
                                   Room 270, 2nd floor
Phone:                       +49 - (0)89 - 289 - 23718

Curriculum vitae

since 2021: research associate at the Heinz Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Didactics of Mathematics, Technische Universität München
2018-2021: Master of Education (MEd) in Mathematics and German, University of Vienna
2015-2019: Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Mathematics and German and Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Mathematics, University of Vienna
2014-2015: Months abroad in Nepal and France
2010-2014: BORG Ternitz
2006-2010: Secondary school Pernitz
2002-2006: Elementary school Pernitz

Research projects

ALICE: Mathematiklernen gemeinsam unterstützen


WS 2021/22: Tutorial for Linear Algebra 1