Theresa Bauer, M.Sc.
Research Assistant
Office: | Technical University of Munich Marsstraße 20–22 (rear building) 80335 Munich Room 473, 4th floor |
Phone: | +49 89 289 24247 |
E-Mail: | Theresa Bauer |
- Since 12/2020: Research Assistant and PhD Student at the Assistant Professorship for Business Economics and Vocational Education (Prof. Dr. Manuel Förster), TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, Technical University of Munich.
- 12/2019 - 12/2020: Research Assistant in the digitization project „DEG-DLM2: Deggendorfer Distance Learning Model“ at the department of Digitalization and Innovative Education at the Deggendorf University of Technology (DIT).
- 10/2019 - 02/2020: Master student at ZF Friedrichshafen AG in the Human Resource Management Department.
Master-Thesis: „Digitization in Human Resources: reasons, options and assessments concerning the introduction of IT applications in the field of human resource management from the manager´s perspective at ZF Friedrichshafen AG“. - 10/2018 - 08/2019: Student Assistant at the Chair of Business and Human Resource Education (Prof. Dr. Manuel Förster) at Otto-Friedrich-University in Bamberg.
- 04/2018 - 02/2020: Master´s Degree in Business and Human Resource Education at Otto-Friedrich-University in Bamberg (Degree: Master of Science).
- 10/2017 - 03/2018: Honorary teacher at the State Vocational School Vilshofen
- 10/2016 - 10/2019: Working Student at Micro Epsilon GmbH & Co. KG, Department Controlling
- 09/2014 - 03/2018: Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration and Economics at University of Passau (Degree: Bachelor of Science).
- 2013: General higher education entrance qualification, Gymnasium Fürstenzell.
- Collaboration in the project BBI@TUM: Conception and implementation of a part-time Master´s program in a Blended Learning format
- Accompanying research and further development of the Master's program "Vocational Education & Innovation”
- Course-related advising of students in the Master's programs Business Education I and II as well as "Vocational Education & Innovation”
- Course: Theory and Practice of Business and Economic Education (since SS 2021)
- Practical seminar: Human Resource Training & Management (since 2021)
- Coordination of the aptitude procedure for the Master´s degree program Business Education I and II
- Supervision of Master´s theses among others in cooperation with companies and practice partners
- E-learning and Blended Learning in universities and companies
- Instructional Design of Blended Learning and E-Learning
- Heterogeneity of students in university teaching
- (Digital) education and training in companies
Further Development of Higher Education considering the increasing Heterogeneity of Students: Blended Learning vs. Traditional Face-to-Face Courses
Heterogeneity in terms of socio-demographic (e.g., age, gender) and cultural backgrounds (e.g., language, nationality, migration background) as well as different prior knowledge is increasing and requires a teaching format adapted to the individual needs of the students. As an alternative to traditional face-to-face courses, the flipped classroom or blended learning can ensure the flexibility of learning in terms of time and place. Blended learning combines face-to-face components with digital self-learning phases, which is suitable for part-time study programs with non-traditional students.
To find out how heterogeneity affects the use of digital teaching formats in higher education, the dissertation addresses this phenomenon in two different settings:
Setting 1: In the first setting, a large-scale statistics course with 1503 students is considered. Of these, 759 students attended the statistics course in the traditional format and 744 attended the flipped classroom. This study is one of the first to compare the heterogeneous prerequisites of students and their effects on learning behavior in the flipped classroom with those in traditional courses. In this study, heterogeneity refers to differences in performance, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and socio-demographic characteristics. The goal is to examine the learning behavior of heterogeneous students and its impact on learning success: How does student demographic, cognitive and motivational heterogeneity affect individual learning behavior and learning success? How does individual learning behavior and course design affect short-term and long-term learning success?
Setting 2: The second setting refers to the newly developed study program "Vocational Education and Innovation", which was implemented at the Technical University of Munich in the winter term 2022/2023, as part of the BBI@TUM-project. The participants are international part-time students working in the field of vocational education in their home country. Due to the international target group, the study program is offered in a blended learning format, alternating online with face-to-face phases. This is a small, heterogeneous target group that differs in terms of culture, performance, and various prior experiences with regard to learning with digital media. The aim is to find out how study programs in blended learning format have to be designed in order to meet the heterogeneous needs of part-time students. In doing so, it aims to explain the relationship between students' demographic, cognitive, and motivational heterogeneity and their learning success. The results of this study are significant for the BBI@TUM-project, but can also be transferred to other part-time study programs.
In both studies, learning with digital media is investigated considering the heterogeneous requirements of the students. The overall goal of this dissertation is to map the heterogeneous students and how they deal with blended learning in higher education.
Presentations & Conference Papers
- Bauer, Theresa & Manuel, Förster (2023): Dropout in a Blended Learning and a Traditional Course – The Role of Course Design and Emotions. Annual Conference 2023 of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, USA.
- Bauer, Theresa (2023): Blended Learning in higher education in consideration of the increasing heterogeneity of students. Research Colloquium of the Professorship for Business, Economics and Vocational Education. Technical University of Munich.
- Bauer, Theresa (2023): Impact of student heterogeneity on learning: Flipped Classroom vs. traditional face-to-face Courses. Research Seminar of the Professorship for Business, Economics and Vocational Education. Technical University of Munich.
- Bauer, Theresa (2022): Diversity needs Digitality: Learning Success of heterogeneous Students in Blended Learning. Research Colloquium of the Professorship for Business, Economics and Vocational Education. Academy Center Raitenhaslach.
- Bauer, Theresa; Michel, Selina & Brausch, Maxi (2022): Challenge Based Learning. Research Colloquium of the School of Education. Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands).
- Bauer, Theresa & Förster, Manuel (2021, September): The Relationship between Emotions and Course Dropout in Classical and Blended Events. Annual Conference of the Section for Vocational and Business Education 2021 of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE).
- Bauer, Theresa & Förster, Manuel (2021, September): The Influence of Emotions on Students' Course Dropout in Traditional and Blended Courses. Section Meeting empirical educational Research of the Working Group for Empirical Educational Research (AEPF).
- Förster, Manuel & Bauer, Theresa (2022): Self-learning Competencies in continuing Vocational Education. CareerDesign@TUM.
- Fisch, Karina; Bauer, Theresa; Weber, Caroline & Eberhardt, Doris (2020): Teaching in the Digital Age: Blended Learning for Teachers. DigiCamp at the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences.
Unpublished work
- Theresa Bauer (2020). "Digitization in Human Resources: Reasons, Options and Evaluations for the Introduction of HR IT Applications from the Perspective of affected Employees - using the Example of ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Passau. Unpublished Master's Thesis at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg.
List of publications and lectures, including teaching courses and supervised master's theses: Publikationsverzeichnis_T.Bauer.pdf
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)
- Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik (BWP) in der DGfE
- Arbeitsgruppe für empirische pädagogische Forschung (AEPF) in der DGfE
- American Educational Research Association (AERA)
- European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI / JURE)