
Our paper “Enhancing Knowledge Construction in Emerging Technologies: The Role of Imagination Training in Immersive Virtual Reality Environments“ has been published with open access in the peer-reviewed journal “Discover Education”.

Auf der diesjährigen Landeskonferenz präsentierte Prof. Dr. Maria Bannert, Dr. Lyn Lim und Dr. Christian Hartmann Forschungsarbeiten zum Thema Selbstreguliertes Lernen mit Digitalen Medien.

Team members from our research lab, share research conducted as part of the Center for Learning and Living with AI / CELLA in Kyoto, Japan.

Workshop Frauenchiemsee (20.02. – 22.02.2024)

In a recent workshop as part of the Forum TUMPaed, secondary school teachers were introduced to an innovative training program developed by our DigiProMin-project team. The session is designed to immerse teachers in a virtual reality experience to enhance data literacy…

Unser BMBF-Verbundprojekt Digitus wird in der Webreportage zum Thema Digitalisierung in der Schule vorgestellt, die seit vergangener Woche online ist.

Outstanding dissertation prize awarded by the Freunde der TUM e.V.

Auf der "33rd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & the 28th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments" Anfang Dezember in Dublin ist der Lehrstuhl mit einem Forschungsbeitrag vertreten.

The paper “How do students learn with real-time personalized scaffolds?” has been published with open access in the international journal, British Journal of Educational Technology (Special Section: Adaptive Support for Self-Regulated Learning in Digital Learning Environments).…

Veröffentlichung in der Zeitschrift Computers & Education