Prof. Dr. Maria Bannert

Chairholder Teaching and Learning with Digital Media

Room: 284
Visitor address: Marsstr. 20, 80335 München, Germany 
Mailing address: Arcisstr. 21, 80333 München, Germany   

Phone: +49 89 289 24390

Office hours: Wednesday, 14:00 - 15:00 hrs by appointment via e-Mail



My primary research area is educational psychology with a focus on educational media (especially multimedia and hypermedia-based learning environments, e-learning), and the development of psychological-based assessment and evaluation methods for the effectiveness of computer-based learning and teaching technologies. Current research activities comprise among other issues the analysis of self-regulated individual and group learning processes and their instructional support by means of ICT. In particular, I am investigating meta-cognitive and motivational-volitional support measures in order to improve student’s self-regulated learning and problem solving with modern learning technologies. I have extensive teaching experience in the areas of educational psychology, human factors, empirical research methods, psychology of learning and motivation, and instructional psychology. In addition, I have extensive research experience and I am responsible for a number of research and developmental projects in the areas of instructional psychology (in particular the use of information technologies in universities and for adult education /training). Ample practical experience in the design and evaluation of hypermedia systems, animation and simulation environments and computer-based teaching and training, in the use and evaluation of multimedia authoring programmes, and in the use of statistical software packages. I am a consultant in e-learning projects and I am involved in a number of national research and R&D projects. I have published about 30 articles in refereed journals and book chapters, written three books and co-edited three books and special issues. I also worked as reviewer for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft /DFG (German National Science Foundation) in various projects. I held the chair in Educational Media at the Chemnitz University of Technology from 2005 - 2011 and from 2011 - 2015 I was chairholder of Instructional Media at the Institute of Human-Computer-Media at the University of Würzburg. Since 2015, I hold the chair in Teaching and Learning with Digital Media at the University of Technology Munich / TUM, in Germany.