DigitUS – Digitalization of classroom teaching in school (Digitalisierung von Unterricht in der Schule), 2019 – 2023 Joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF: 01JD1830E) The central goal of the joint project is to promote the successful use of digital media in the classroom by considering relevant processes at and between several levels (school administration, school management, teachers, students). As part of the project, a theoretical framework model of conditional factors for the successful use of digital media will be developed and empirically verified by means of field studies. The successful use of digital media is measured by a process dimension (high-quality learning activities) and a result dimension (skills acquisition). A further goal of the project is the investigation of the support of the successful use of digital media by school-internal and cross-school learning communities using the example of the STEM subjects. The study is carried out at a total of 84 secondary schools in Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony-Anhalt, whereby different partial samples and research designs are used in 4 sub-studies.
Project leaders and other applicants are: Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer (spokesperson), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Chair of Empirical Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology; PD Dr. Karsten Stegmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Chair of Empirical Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology; Prof. Dr. Birgit Neuhaus, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Didactics of Biology; Prof. Dr. Stefan Ufer, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Mathematical Didactics; Prof. Dr. Cornelia Gräsel, University of Wuppertal, Teaching, Learning and Classroom Research; Prof. Dr. Martin Lindner Martin-Luther-University Halle Wittenberg, Didactics of Biology; Dr. Karin Oechslein, State Institute for School Quality and Educational Research Munich; Prof. Dr. Claudia Nerdel, Technical University of Munich, Life Sciences Education; Prof. Dr. Maria Bannert, Technical University of Munich, Susanne Klatten Endowed Chair for Teaching and Learning with Digital Media; Sabrina Reith, M. A., Technical University of Munich, Susanne Klatten Endowed Chair for Teaching and Learning with Digital Media.