
FLoRA Project Presentations at the EARLI SIG 27 2022 Conference

As part of the EARLI SIG 27 symposium, “Supporting self-regulated learning with data analytics and artificial intelligence”, two research papers from the interdisciplinary project, FLoRA, will be presented in Southhampton, United Kingdom.

At the first face-to-face EARLI Special Interest Group 27 (SIG 27: Online Measures of Learning Processes) conference (Theme: Online measures at the crossroad of ethical and methodological challenges) since the pandemic, two presentations from the interdisciplinary project, FLoRA , will be presented as part of the symposium, “Supporting self-regulated learning with data analytics and artificial intelligence”. In the presentations, the FLoRA team members present and discuss the effects of analytics-based personalized scaffolds from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives.

We wish the FLoRA team a successful time in Southhampton!


Details of the presentations:

Lim, L., Bannert, M., van der Graaf, J., Singh, S., Fan, Y., Surendrannair, S., Raković, M., Molenaar, I, Moore, J., & Gašević, D. (2022, September). Effects of Personalized Scaffolds on Self-Regulated Learning based on Students’ Learning Processes. In D. Gašević & S. Järvelä (Chairs), Supporting self-regulated learning with data analytics and artificial intelligence. Symposium presented at the EARLI Special Interest Group 27, Southhampton, United Kingdom, August 30-September 1, 2022.

Fan., Y., Tsai, Y., Li., T., Singh, S., Raković, M., van der Graaf, J., Lim., L., Molenaar., I., Bannert., M., Moore, J., Gašević, D. (2022, September). When and Why Learners Benefit from Personalized Scaffoldings for Self-Regulated Learning: A Qualitative Study. In D. Gašević & S. Järvelä (Chairs), Supporting self-regulated learning with data analytics and artificial intelligence. Symposium presented at the EARLI Special Interest Group 27, Southhampton, United Kingdom, August 30-September 1, 2022.