Vorträge / Poster

12.09.24 Athavale, S., Lim, L., & Bannert, M. (2024, September). Training secondary school students’ SRL before learning with AI-based online learning environments. In Lämsä, J., & Raković, M. (Chairs), Promoting self-regulated learning of secondary school students using trace data and AI. Symposium presented at the 11th International Conference of EARLI SIG16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning for Research on Learning and Instruction, Heidelberg, Germany, September 11-13, 2024.

van der Graaf, J., & Lim, L. (Organizers & Chairs). Bridging Research and Practice: Fine-Grained Insights of students’ SRL in Tech-Enhanced Learning. Symposium presented at the 11th International Conference of EARLI SIG16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning for Research on Learning and Instruction, Heidelberg, Germany, September 11-13, 2024.

12.09.24 Lim, L., Bannert, M., van der Graaf, J., Fan, Y., Li, X., Singh, S., Rakovic, M., Molenaar, I, & Gašević, D. (2024, September). Investigating Students’ Interactions with Adaptive SRL Scaffolds in an Online Learning Environment. In van der Graaf, J., & Lim, L. (Organizers & Chairs), Bridging Research and Practice: Fine-Grained Insights of students’ SRL in Tech-Enhanced Learning. Symposium presented at the 11th International Conference of EARLI SIG16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning for Research on Learning and Instruction, Heidelberg, Germany, September 11-13, 2024.
05.06.24 Lim, L. (2024, June). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning with Advanced Digital Technologies: Harnessing AI for Learning. Invited presentation at the TUM-Singapore Research Exchange with the Ministry of Education (Singapore) and National Institute of Education (Singapore), June 5, 2024.
26.04.24 Bannert, M., Lim, L., & Hartmann, C. (2024, April). Selbstreguliertes Lernen mit Digitalen Medien. Bedeutung temporaler und multimodaler Prozessanalysen. Eingeladener Vortrag auf der 9. Landeskonferenz “Psychologie im Lehramtsstudium in Bayern”. TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, Educational Sciences, 25.-26.04.2024
19.03.24 Lämsä, J., de Mooij, S., Lim, L., Dever, D., Wiedbusch, M., Azevedo, R., Bannert, M., Gašević, D., Molenaar, I., & Järvelä, S. (2024, March). CELLA@LAK24 workshop: Supporting Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Through Human-AI Collaboration. Workshop at the 14th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, Kyoto, Japan, March 18-22, 2024.
26.08.23 Athavale, S., Lim, L., & Bannert, M. (2023, August). Analyzing Self-Regulated Learning of Secondary School Students. Poster presented at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-26, 2023.
25.08.23 Lim, L., Bannert, M., van der Graaf, J., Fan, Y., Rakovic, M., Singh, S., Molenaar, I, Moore, J., & Gašević, D. (2023, August). Investigating How Real-Time Personalized Scaffolds Influence Self-Regulated Learning Processes. In R. Azevedo & M. Bannert (Chairs), Advancing Self-Regulated Learning Research with AI: Implications from Multimodal Trace Studies. Symposium presented at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-26, 2023.
25.08.23 van der Graaf, J., Rakovic, M.,  Fan, Y., Lim, L., Singh, S., Moore, J., Gašević, D., Bannert, M., & Molenaar, I. (2023, August). Using Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Scaffold Self-Regulated Learning. In L. Catrysse (Chair), Process Measures in the era of Artificial Intelligence. Symposium presented at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-26, 2023.
25.08.23 van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Fan, Y., Singh, S., Rakovic, M., Moore, J., Gašević, D., Bannert, M., & Molenaar, I. (2023, August). The Effect of Generalised and Personalised Scaffolds on Self-Regulated Learning. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-26, 2023.
25.08.23 Fan, Y., Li, T., Tan, Y., Rakovic, M., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Singh, S., Moore, J., Molenaar, I., Bannert, M., & Gašević, D. (2023, August). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Personalized Scaffoldings on SRL using Ordered Network Analysis. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-26, 2023.
25.08.23 Rakovic, M., Iqbal, S., Li, T., Fan, Y., Singh, S., Surendrannair, S., Kilgour, J., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Molenaar, I., Bannert, M., Moore, J., & Gašević, D. (2023, August). Understanding and supporting writing processes with trace data. Paper presented at the 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-26, 2023.
24.08.23 Fan, Y., Rakovic, M., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Singh, S., Moore, J., Molenaar, I., Bannert, M., & Gašević, D. (2023, August). Triangulation and Integration of Measuring Self-regulated Learning with Trace and Think Aloud Data. In L. von Keyserlingk (Chair), Self-regulated Learning at Different Levels of Granularity: From
Single Lessons to Entire Lectures
. Symposium presented at the 20th Bienial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 22-26, 2023.
12.05.23 Lim, L. (2023, May). Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning with Advanced Learning Technologies. Presentation at the Research Exchange with the Ministry of Education (Singapore), May 12, 2023.
14.03.23 Fan, Y., Rakovic, M., Singh, S., Wiedbusch, M., Dever, D., Li., X., Van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Molenaar, I., Bannert, M., Azevedo, R., & Gašević, D. (2023, March). Measuring and Facilitating Self-Regulated Learning Based on Trace Data. Workshop at the 13th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference              (LAK23), Texas, USA, March 13-14, 2023.
01.03.23 Lim, L. (2023, March). Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning with Advanced Learning Technologies: Laying the groundwork and testing effects of personalized scaffolds. Presentation at the CELLA Research Exchange, Nijmegen, Netherlands, February 28- March 2, 2023.
13.09.22 Singh, S., Van der Graaf, J., Van der West, H., Fan, Y., Lim, L., Rakovic, M., Bannert, M., Molenaar, I., Gašević, D., & Moore, J. (2022, September). Improving the Instrumentation and Feedback for Self-Regulated Learning. Workshop at the 17th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL22), Toulouse, France, September 12-16, 2022.
01.09.22 Lim, L., Bannert, M., van der Graaf, J., Singh, S., Fan, Y., Surendrannair, S., Rakovic, M., Molenaar, I, Moore, J., & Gašević, D. (2022, September). Effects of Personalized Scaffolds on Self-Regulated Learning based on Students’ Learning Processes. In D. Gašević & S. Järvelä (Chairs), Closing the loop: Supporting self-regulated learning with data analytics of multi-channel data. Symposium presented at the EARLI Special Interest Group 27, Southhampton, United Kingdom, August 30-September 1, 2022.
01.09.22 Fan, Y., Tsai, Y., Li, T., Singh, S., Rakovic, M., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Molenaar, I., Bannert, M., Moore, J., Gašević, D. (2022, September). When and Why Learners Benefit from Personalized Scaffoldings for Self-Regulated Learning: A Qualitative Study. In D. Gašević & S. Järvelä (Chairs), Supporting self-regulated
learning with data analytics and artificial intelligence. Symposium presented at the EARLI Special Interest Group 27, Southhampton, United Kingdom, August 30-September 1, 2022.
22.04.22 Fan, Y., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Kilgour, J., Rakovic, M., Singh, S., Moore, J., Molenaar, I, Bannert, M., & Gasevic, D. (2022, April). Toward Improving the Validity of Measurement of Self-Regulated Learning Based on Trace Data. In M. Bernacki (Chair), Authenticating the signal: Validating Digital Traces of Student Learning Using Concurrent, Corroborating Data Sources. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) “Cultivating Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century”, San Diego, California, April 21-26, 2022.
23.03.22 Raković, M., Fan, Y., van der Graaf, J., Singh, S., Kilgour, J., Lim, L., Moore, J., Bannert, M., Molenaar, I.,  & Gašević, D. (2022, March). Using Learner Trace Data to Understand Metacognitive Processes In Writing From Multiple Sources. Presentation at the 12th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 22), March 21-25, 2022.
23.03.22 Srivastava, N., Fan, Y., Raković, M., Singh, S., Jovanovic, J., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Surendrannair, S., Kilgour, J., Molenaar, I., Bannert, M., Moore, J.,  & Gašević, D. (2022, March). Effects Of Internal and External Conditions On Strategies Of Self-Regulated Learning: A Learning Analytics Study. Presentation at the 12th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 22), March 21-25, 2022.
26.08.21 Fan, Y., Lim, L., van der Graaf, J., Kilgour, J., Moore, J., Gasevic, D., Bannert, M., & Molenaar, I. (2021, August). Improving the Granularity For the Measurement Of Self-Regulated Learning Using Multi-Channel Data. In J. van der Graaf (Chair), New Ways Of Measuring, Analysing and Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning. Symposium presented at the 19th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 23-27, 2021.
26.08.21 Lim, L., Bannert, M., van der Graaf, J., Fan, Y., Kilgour, J., Molenaar, I, Moore, J., & Gasevic, D. (2021, August). Understanding Self-Regulated Learning Processes Through Process Mining. In J. van der Graaf (Chair), New Ways Of Measuring, Analysing and Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning. Symposium presented at the 19th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 23-27, 2021.
26.08.21 van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Fan, Y., Kilgour, J., Moore, J., Gasevic, D., Bannert, M., & Molenaar, I. (2021, August). How Self-Regulated Learning Affects Different Learning Outcomes. In J. van der Graaf (Chair), New Ways Of Measuring, Analysing and Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning. Symposium presented at the 19th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 23-27, 2021.
26.08.21 Singh, S., Rakovic, M., Fan, Y., Lim, L., van der Graaf, J., Kilgour, J., Molenaar, I, Moore, J., Bannert, M., & Gasevic, D. (2021, August). Visualising Student’sLlearning Strategies In Online Learning to Support Self-Regulation. In J. van der Graaf (Chair), New Ways Of Measuring, Analysing and Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning. Symposium presented at the 19th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 23-27, 2021.
26.08.21 Bannert, M., Lim, L., van der Graaf, J., Fan, Y., Kilgour, J., Molenaar, I, Moore, J., & Gasevic, D. (2021, August). Multimodal Data Analysis Of Student’s Own Regulation Activities to Advance Personalized Scaffolds. In S. Järvelä & I. Molenaar (Organizers and Chairs), Leveraging SRL Research Into Intelligent Learning Technologies. Symposium presented at the 19th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 23-27, 2021.
11.05.21 Lim, L., Bannert,  M., van der Graaf, J., Molenaar, I.,  Fan, Y. , Kilgour, J., Moore, J., & Gasevic, D. (2021, May). Understanding Self-Regulated Learning Processes Through Process Mining. Presentation at the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 Online Meetings, May 11-27, 2021.
11.05.21 van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Fan, Y. , Kilgour, J., Moore, J., Gašević, D., Bannert, M., & Molenaar, I., (2021, May). How Self-Regulated Learning Affects Different Learning Outcomes. Presentation at the EARLI Special Interest Group 16 Online Meetings, May 11-27, 2021.
16.04.21  van der Graaf, J., Molenaar, I., Lim, L., Bannert,  M., Fan, Y. , Kilgour, J., Moore, J., & Gasevic, D. (2021, April). Do Instrumentation Tools Capture Self-Regulated Learning. Full paper presented at the 11th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 21), April 12-16, 2021.
15.04.21 Singh, S., Raković, M., Fan, Y., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Kilgour, J., Bannert, M., Molenaar, I., Moore, J.,  & Gašević, D. (2021, April). Using Enhanced Learner-Facing Visual Interfaces to Support Self-Regulated Learning. Poster presented at the 11th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 21), April 12-16, 2021.
14.12.20 Van der Graaf, J., Molenaar, I., Lim, L., Fan, Y., Kilgour, J., Moore, J., Gašević, D., & Bannert, M. (2020, December). Online Measurement Of Self-Regulated Learning With Instrumentation Tools and Eye Tracking. Presentation at the EARLI Special Interest Group 27 Online Meetings, December 14-16, 2020.
14.12.20 Fan, Y., Lim, L., Van der Graaf, J., Kilgour, J., Moore, J., Molenaar, I., Bannert, M., & Gašević, D. (2020, December). Improving the Measurement Of Self-Regulated Learning Using Multi-Channel Data. Presentation at the EARLI Special Interest Group 27 Online Meetings, December 14-16, 2020.
25.03.20 Lim, L., van der Graaf, J., Fan, Y., Engelmann, K., Bannert, M., Molenaar, I., Gasevic, D., & Moore, J. (2020, March). Triangulating Multimodal Data to Measure Self-Regulated Learning. Poster presented at the 10th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK20), Frankfurt, Germany, March 23-27, 2020.
24.03.20 Fan, Y., Lim, L., Van der Graaf, J., Engelmann, K., Molenaar, I., Moore, J. Bannert, M. & Gašević, D.,  (2020, March). Measuring Micro-Level Self-Regulated Learning Processes With Enhanced Log Data and Eye Tracking Data. Workshop at the 10th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 20), Frankfurt, Germany, March 23-27, 2020
24.03.20 van der Graaf, J., Molenaar, I., Lim, L., Fan, Y., Engelmann, K., Gašević, D., & Bannert, M. (2020, March). Facilitating Self-Regulated Learning With Personalized Scaffolds On Student’s Own Regulation Activities. CrossMMLA in practice workshop at the 10th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 20), Frankfurt, Germany, March 23-27, 2020.
10.08.19 Lim, K.P., Engelmann, K., & Bannert, M. (2019, August). Self-Regulated Learning and Feedback On Students' Learning Processes. Poster presentation at the JURE Pre-conference of the 18th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Aachen, Germany, August 12-16, 2019.
05.09.18 Bannert, M., Lim, K.P., & Tangocci, E. (2018, September). Evaluationsvorhaben im Projekt Be-IT-Ink. Präsentation bei dem Auftakttreffen des Projektes "Berufliches Immersives Training für Inklusion" (Be-IT-Ink), Paderborn, Deutschland.
06.06.18 Lim, K.P., Hörmann, M., & Bannert, M. (2018, June). Metacognitive Prompting and Reading Behavior During Self-Regulated Learning. Poster presented at the IWM Summer School: Multimodality and Knowledge Processes, Tübingen, Germany.