International Education Days
Workshops and project work in the fields of inclusion, didactics, education, psychology and cross-cultural competencies and communication
The International Education Days (IED) take place online from September 22 – 24. and is offered by the TUM School of Education, the Universidad de Antoquia (UdeA) and the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB).
This event provides students, research assistants and teachers with an easy and uncomplicated opportunity to participate for a short time in workshops with an international group, to gain intercultural experience and at the same time develop their own professional profile.
The participants choose workshops from several different subject areas, exchange ideas under the supervision of lecturers from all universities and participate together in their workshops.
Main topics:
- Intercultural Competences and Communication (IKK)
- Workshops on Inclusion and Sustainability in Germany and Colombia
- Workshops on Computer Science and on STEM subjects
- Workshops on teaching strategies (e.g., Flipped Classroom)
Intercultural cultural and educational programme:
In addition to the workshops, the interesting event program includes seminars on intercultural communication as well as courses on the language and peculiarities of Colombia.
Target group and requirements:
Students who want to learn about various topics in an international and cross-cultural context.
Event period
22. - 24. September 2021
Event language and venue
The IEDs are organized in English and Spanish; official translators (English-Spanish / Spanish-English) will be present. The workshops and lectures take place digitally, via Zoom meetings.
It's free!
Recognition of credits for TUM students
The IED can also be listed in the Diploma Supplement.
Number of participants
A maximum of 16 people can participate in each workshop.
For lectures the number of participants can be increased.
Registration time frame
Registration for the International Education Days is possible until 17.09.2021. You register online via Wiki-Formular . You will receive further info by mail after the registration period.