Teaching at Academic Secondary Schools - Science Education (Bachelor, Master)

The Science Education program consists of two degree programs: Bachelor of Education and Master of Education. The studies provide training for those wishing to teach at academic secondary schools in Bavaria. Bachelor and master students acquire the necessary knowledge in didactics and educational sciences as well as a structured specialized knowledge within their chosen teaching subject disciplines.

Bachelor and master students develop a structured specialized knowledge of the fundamental areas within their disciplines, are familiar with the methods and approaches specific to these subjects, are introduced to current issues and develop the ability to reflect on relevant issues based on their knowledge of the subject and its methods, as well as drawing on concepts from the history of ideas and epistemology. They also become aware of the possibilities and limitations of their specific disciplines, providing them with the basis for acquiring interdisciplinary skills.
The program also lays the foundation for developing more practical teaching skills. Students become familiar with fundamental subject-didactic theories and structuring approaches for the teaching of their subject, and are able to analyze the educational effectiveness and didactic aspects of specialist science content. They acquire knowledge of subject-pertinent performance assessment and the applicable standards, and are able to differentiate their classroom approach based on their knowledge of student learning requirements as well as other factors which may promote or hinder learning success.
By the end of the program, students are familiar with the various facets of the professional role of a teacher. These include the significance of teacher professionalization, understanding the professional field as a learning task and handling conflicts and decision-making situations as part of the job.

After passing the bachelor's program and the modules of the master's program (excluding the master's thesis) the required ECTS-points to apply for the Bavarian First State Exam are aquired. Passing the First State Exam is a prerequisite for commencing a Referendariat (teacher training internship at a public school). Successful completion of the Referendariat is a precondition for future employment at public schools.

Master's or State Exam graduates will have attained the level of knowledge and skills required to commence an academic career in educational sciences, didactics or the chosen teaching subjects.

Degree Program - Structure

Both degree programs consist of two teaching subjects with didactics, educational sciences and school internships. The students have to choose a combination of their teaching subjects, when they apply for the bachelor's degree program. The same combination has to be chosen for the master's program. This structure corresponds to the interdisciplinary range of tasks for teachers at secondary academic schools.
Students have a choice of five teaching subject combinations.

Language of instruction is German.

Teaching Subject Combinations

Students at TUM have a choice of five teaching subject combinations allowed by the Bavarian State, which are

  • biolology-chemistry
  • mathematics-chemistry
  • mathematics-informatics
  • mathematics-physics
  • mathematics-physical education*

*Prerequisit is an aptitude test for physical education (in German only)