Miriam Lechner

Research Assistant

On parental leave until April 2024.

Contact Details:
TU Munich, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology 

Postal Address: Arcisstraße 21, D-80333 Munich
Visiting Address: Marsstraße 20, Room: 449, D-80335 Munich

Phone: +49 (0)89/ 289-24375

Mail: miriam.lechner(at)tum.de

on appointment


Miriam Lechner is a research assistant and doctoral student at the Associate Professorship for Formal and Informal Learning at TUM School of Education since April 2019. She holds a Bachelor's degree in educational sciences (Bachelor of Arts) and a Master's degree in eEducation: Education and Media (Master of Arts) from the Fernuniversität Hagen.

Research interest

  • Teaching and learning with digital media
  • Learning in extracurricular Learning Environments

Further information