Felix Rausch

External Doctoral Candidate

Contact Details:
TU Munich, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology

Postal Address: Arcisstraße 21, D-80333 Munich
Visiting Address: none, no office

Mail: f.rausch@goegy.de

Hours: on appointment


Felix Rausch is an external doctoral candidate at the Associate Professorship for Formal and Informal Learning at TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology since October 2020. He holds teaching degrees for secondary schools (first and second, subjects: biology, chemistry, sports) and is currently teacher at the Goethe-Gymnasium (grammar school) in Regensburg. As coworker in the sustainability team at this school he is also able to live his field of interest (Education for Sustainable Development, ESD) in a more applied approach.

Research interest

  • Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
  • Eco-Schools (FEE)
  • Whole school approach and ESD-implementation

Curriculum Vitae