- Miesera, S.; Mulatu, A. (2021). Dealing with heterogeneity and pedagogical diagnostics in distance learning, Government of Upper Bavaria.
- Miesera, S. (2021). Support for special groups of pupils, importance of inclusion Preparatory service, Staatliches Studienseminar für das Lehramt an berufliche Schulen, Bavaria
- Miesera, S. (2020). Förderung besonderer Schülergruppen, Bedeutung der Inklusion Vorbereitungsdienst, Staatliches Studienseminar für das Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen, Bayern.
Miesera, S. (2020). Use of teaching and learning videos in teacher training - Teacher training concepts for the promotion of media competence, Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich.
- Miesera, S. (2019). Use of teaching and learning videos in teacher education - Teacher education concepts to promote media competence, Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich.
- Miesera, S., & Weidenhiller, P. (2019). Studies on inclusive teaching in vocational schools and grammar schools. Workshop. Advanced training seminar 10 years of inclusion in Bavaria, Academy for Political Education, Tutzing
- Miesera, S. (2019). Vocational integration through language, language sensitivity and internal differentiation in subject teaching. Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen, Esslingen
Miesera, S. (2019). Promoting special groups of pupils, the importance of inclusion Preparatory service, Staatliches Studienseminar für das Lehramt an berufliche Schulen, Bavaria.
- Miesera, S. (2018). Vocational integration through language, language sensitivity and internal differentiation in subject teaching. Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen, Esslingen.
- Miesera, S. (2014). Inklusion als Aufgabe der beruflichen Schulen und der Lehrerbildung, Münster University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Vocational Teacher Education (IBL)..
Miesera, S. (2014). Current insights into learning, Klinikum Augsburg.
Miesera, S. (2014). Research and Practice, Inclusion in Teacher Education, Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management, Dillingen a. d. Donau..