Teaching Planning Competence in and for Education in the Digital World (Digi-UPK)
The aim of the project is to explore the specific requirements for planning education in the digital world.
The digital transformation presents educators with new challenges in both the content and didactic-methodological design of teaching. This project initially explores how educators respond to these challenges in their lesson planning and where they need or desire targeted support. Subsequently, recommendations are derived on how teaching planning competence for education in the digital world can be promoted.
Inclusion Research in International Comparison: Germany-Austria
Worldwide, educational institutions are evolving into inclusive systems. Based on internationally valid guidelines and country-specific legal regulations, educational institutions are integrating inclusion-oriented teaching events into teacher education. Building on the international study conducted in 2015-2016 in Manitoba (Canada) and Bavaria (Germany), the research instrument on attitudes, experiences, and self-efficacy regarding inclusion was validated in Austria at Pedagogical Universities and in Bavaria at the Study Seminar for Vocational Schools in 2018-2019. The various approaches to implementing inclusive teacher education for vocational schools raise questions about the comparability of countries. The aim of the current study is to examine teacher education with a focus on the relationship between attitudes, experiences, and self-efficacy towards inclusion. The publication of the results is planned for 2020.
Literatur: https://www.edu.tum.de/fdeh/publikationen/wissenschaftliche-artikel/
Research Contribution ISEC 2021
Dr. Susanne Miesera, along with Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Specht and Prof. Dr. Donna McGhie-Richmond, is representing the international conference "Inclusive and Supportive Education Conference (ISEC)" held online from August 3 to 5, 2021, in London. The research results of an international collaboration with Canadian universities, Western University London (Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Specht) and University of Victoria, Vancouver Island (Prof. Dr. Donna McGhie-Richmond), regarding beliefs of prospective teachers on inclusive teaching in an international comparison, will be presented. A qualitative study using concept maps introduces the experiences of prospective teachers who contributed to the development of teaching practices for educators at the end of their respective teacher training programs in Germany and Canada.