Teaching at Vocational Schools - Vocational Education (Bachelor, Master)
The Vocational Education program consists of two degree courses: Bachelor of Education and Master of Education. The studies provide training for those wishing to teach at vocational schools. Bachelor students acquire the necessary didactic and pedagogical specialist knowledge for entry to the Masters course. A Masters degree in Vocational Education is a prerequisite for commencing a Referendariat (teacher training internship at a public school). Successful completion of the Referendariat is a precondition for future employment at public schools.
At this stage, Masters graduates will also have attained the level of knowledge and skills required to commence an academic career in the sciences. Alternatively, Vocational Education graduates (either Bachelor or Master) can find employment at private vocational schools, technical colleges, academies or comparable institutions.
Degree Program - Structure
Both the Bachelor and Master degree courses are divided into a professional spezialisation, a general teaching subject and the social and educational sciences. This structure corresponds to the interdisciplinary range of tasks for teachers at vocational schools. Students have a choice of thirteen teaching subjects, which allows them to develop an individual profile and also provides the basis for a considerably expanded range of teaching duties.
Language of instruction is German.
Professional Specializations
Eight different vocational courses are available in Bavaria, seven of which are offered at the Technical University of Munich.
- Agricultural Economy
- Building Technology
- Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Health and Nursing Science
- Metal Engineering
- Nutritional Science and Home Economics
- Economic Education (only available at Masters level)
The professional specialisation Social Pedagogy is not available at the Technical University of Munich.
Teaching Subjects
Each professional specialisation may be combined with one of the teaching subjects listed below.
- Biology
- Catholic Religious Education
- Chemistry
- English
- German
- German Language and Communication
- Informatics
- Mathematics
- Mechatronics*
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Protestant Religious Education
- School Psychology (please refer to following section)
- Social Studies
*This teaching subject can only be combined with either the professional specialisations Metal Engineering or Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
Supplementary Degree Program Component - Psychology with Specialization in School Psychology
Instead of the Additional Teaching Subject, the supplementary degree program component, Psychology with Specialisation in School Psychology, could also be selected. The course provides a student with the academic foundations for the occupation of school psychologist.
It also qualifies a graduate to commence the Referendariat (teacher training internship at a public school).
Combined with one of the Professional Specializations listed above, this program aims to qualify a graduate in the dual role of teacher and school psychologist.