(closed) Intelligent VR learning environments for teacher training

The rapid advancement of virtual reality (VR) technologies has brought about significant transformations in the field of education. VR provides immersive and interactive learning environments that have proven to be highly effective in supporting skill development among learners. Moreover, VR can also serve as a valuable tool for enhancing the pedagogical strategies of teachers through targeted training programs.

In this project, our main objective is to develop an intelligent VR learning platform specifically designed for training teachers in data literacy skills. The platform will incorporate interactive features, including gamification elements and a Chatbot supported by Generative AI, to create engaging and effective learning experiences. We are currently seeking bachelor/master students with a background in computer science and human-computer interaction who are interested in contributing to the development of such VR learning systems.

  • Experience in game engines (e.g. Unity3D and Unreal)
  • Programming skills in C# and Python
Good to have
  • Experience in machine learning (e.g. pytorch)
  • Experience in animation and modeling
  • Experience in XR games (e.g. Alyx and DCS)
  • Experience in XR devices (e.g. Hololens2 and Meta Quest2)

For further information write an email to hong.gao@tum.de.