Prof. Dr. Marc Berges

2015 Promotion zum Thema "Object-Oriented Programming through the Lens of Computer Science Education"

2019 Berufung auf die Professur für Didaktik der Informatik an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Research Interests

Computer Science Teacher Education

Competencies for Teaching Computer Science

Secondary and Higher Education - Object-Oriented Programming


Tutorenseminar (WS08-SS12)

Betreuung der Programmierprojekte (WS08-SS12)

Betreuung der studentischen Repetitorien (WS08-SS12)

Proseminar Pioniere der Informatik (WS11-WS12)

Einführung in die Informatik für Geodäten 1+2 (WS11-SS14)

Proseminar Softwaretechnik für Lehramt (SS13, SS17)

Softwareentwicklungsprojekt für Lehramtskandidaten (WS13-WS15)

Einführung in die Theoretische Informatik für Berufliche Bildung (SS15)

Didaktik der Informatik 1 für Berufliche Bildung (WS15)

Didaktik der Informatik 2 für Berufliche Bildung (SS16)

Bachelor-Praktikum: Online Studio-Based Learning Environment (WS14-WS16)

Hauptseminar Didaktik der Informatik (WS16)

Hauptseminar Weiterführende Themen der Didaktik der Informatik für Tutoren (SS17)


Hubwieser, P., Berges, M., Striewe, M., & Goedicke, M. (2017). Towards competency based testing and feedback: Competency definition and measurement in the field of algorithms & data structures. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 517–526), April 2017

Philipp Shah, Marc Berges and Peter Hubwieser (2017): Qualitative Content Analysis of Programming Errors. ICIET'17, Tokyo, Japan. ACM, USA.

Yadav, A., Berges, M., Sands, P. and Good, J. (2016). Measuring computer science pedagogical content knowledge: An exploratory analysis of teaching vignettes to measure teacher knowledge, Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education. Münster, Germany. New York, New York, USA, ACM Press, pp. 92–95.

Philipp Shah, Marc Berges und Peter Hubwieser (2016): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse für Programmiersprachen, in: ZiLL FAU (Hrsg.), Mixed-Methods in der empirischen Bildungsforschung, S.20-21.

Berges, M., Striewe, M., Shah, P., Goedicke, M., and Hubwieser, P. 2016. Towards Deriving Programming Competencies from Student Errors. In 4th International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE). IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, 19–23.

Funke, A., Berges, M., and Hubwieser, P. 2016. Different Perceptions of Computer Science. In 4th International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE). IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, 14–18.

Funke, A., Berges, M., Mühling, A., and Hubwieser, P. 2015. Gender Differences in Programming: Research Results and Teachers’ Perception. In Proceedings of the 15th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research. ACM Press, New York, 161–162.

Mühling, A., Hubwieser, P., and Berges, M. (2015). Dimensions of Programming Knowledge. In Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions. 8th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sep28-Okt01, 2015. Springer, Heidelberg, 32–44.

Ruf, A., Berges, M., and Hubwieser, P. (2015). Classification of Programming Tasks According to Required Skills and Knowledge Representation. In Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions. 8th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives. Ljubljana, Slovenia. Sep28-Okt01, 2015. Springer, Heidelberg, 57–68.

Berges, M. (2015). Object-Oriented Programming through the Lens of Computer Science Education. Dissertation an der Fakultät für Informatik der Technischen Universität München.

Bender, E., Hubwieser, P., Schaper, N., Margaritis, M., Berges, M., Ohrndorf, L., Magenheim, J. and Schubert, S. (2015). Towards a Competency Model for Teaching Computer Science, Peabody Journal of Education, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 519–532.

Hubwieser, Peter; Giannakos, Michail N.; Berges, Marc; Brinda, Torsten; Diethelm, Ira; Magenheim, Johannes et al. (2015): A Global Snapshot of Computer Science Education in K-12 Schools. In: Noa Ragonis und Päivi Kinnunen (Hg.): Proceedings of the 2015 ITiCSE on Working Group Reports. ITiCSE. Vilnius, Lithuania, July 04-08. ACM. New York: ACM Press, S. 65–83.

Berges, M. and Hubwieser, P. (2015). Evaluation of Source Code with Item Response Theory, Proceedings of the 20th SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. Vilnius, July 6-8. New York, ACM Press, pp. 51–56.

Capovilla, D., Berges, M., Mühling, A. and Hubwieser, P. (2015) ‘Handling Heterogeneity in Programming Courses for Freshmen’, 3rd International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LaTiCE). Taipei, April 9-12. Los Alamitos, IEEE Press, pp. 197–203.

Margaritis, M., Magenheim, J., Hubwieser, P., Berges, M., Ohrndorf, L. and Schubert, S. (2015) Development of a competency model for computer science teachers at secondary school level, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. Tallinn, March 18-20. Los Alamitos, IEEE Press, pp. 211–220.

Wolf, L., Yadav, A., Good, J., Margaritis, M., & Berges, M. (2015). Computer Science (CS) and Computational Thinking (CT) International Perspectives on Developing Student and Teacher Competencies. In D. Slykhuis & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 123–126). Las Vegas, NV, United States: AACE.

Berges, M. (2015). Investigating Novice Programming Abilities with the Help of Psychometric Assessment. In D. Slykhuis & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2015 (pp. 90–95). Las Vegas, NV, United States: AACE.

Hubwieser, P., Berges, M., Magenheim, J., Schaper, N., Bröker, K., Margaritis, M., Schubert, S., and Ohrndorf, L. 2013. Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Computer Science in German Teacher Education Curricula. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 95–103.

Ruf, A., Berges, M., and Hubwieser, P. 2013. Types of Assignments for Novice Programmers. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 43–44.

Schaper, N., Magenheim, J., Schubert, S., Hubwieser, P., Bender, E., Margaritis, M., Ohrndorf, L., & Berges, M. (2013). Competences for Teaching Computer Science. In KoKoHs Working Papers, [no. 4]. Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University.

Berges, M., Hubwieser, P., Magenheim, J., Bender, E., Bröker, K., Margaritis-Kopecki, M., Neugebauer, J., Schaper, N., Schubert, S., and Ohrndorf, L. 2013. Developing a competency model for teaching computer science in schools. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 327

Berges, M., and Hubwieser, P. 2013. Concept specification maps: displaying content structures. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Innovation and technology in computer science education. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 291–296.

Berges, Marc; Hubwieser, Peter (2012): Towards an Overview Map of Object-Oriented Programming and Design. In: Proceedings of the 12th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research - Koli Calling '12: ACM Press, S. 135–136.

Berges, Marc; Mühling, Andreas; Hubwieser, Peter (2012): The Gap Between Knowledge and Ability. In: Proceedings of the 12th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research - Koli Calling '12: ACM Press, S. 126–134.

Berges, M., Mühling, A., Hubwieser, P., and Steuer, H. 2012. Informatik für Nichtinformatiker: ein kontext- und praxisorientiertes Konzept. In HDI2012, P. Forbrig, D. Rick and A. Schmolitzky, Eds. Universitätsverlag Potsdam, Potsdam, 105–110.

Hubwieser, Peter; Berges, Marc (2011): Minimally invasive programming courses: learning OOP with(out) instruction. In: Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education. New York, NY, USA: ACM (SIGCSE ’11), S. 87‐92.

Berges, M., Hubwieser, P. (2010): Vorkurse in objektorientierter Programmierung: Lösungsansatz für ein Problem der Einführungsveranstaltungen. In: Gesellschaft für Informatik. (ed.) Proceedings of the HDI 2010, Bonn (2010).

Berges, Marc (2007): Lernzielanalyse des Informatiklehrplans im G8 (Diplomarbeit)


Ernst-Otto-Fischer Lehrpreis (award for good education)