
On November 8, 2019 Delia Hillmayr and Janina Täschner, who are both working on a research synthesis on dealing with school segregation through parental involvement, participated in the 4th International NEPS Conference (National Educational Panel Study) in Bamberg. Eric. A. Hanushek, one of the leading educational economists, gave a lecture on "Improving disadvantaged schools", which supported the working group's…

Starting from November 2019, we are happy to welcome our new research assistant, Sarah Reinhold, to the Professorship for Learning and Instruction team.

On the 23rd of October 2019, Lisa Ziernwald attended the Forum on Educational Policy of the Leibniz Education Research Network (LERN) in Berlin themed "Education needs more than a clever mind". Many different participants were at the meeting representing educational research, policy and practice. Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schoon held the keynote on the topic "The relevance of social-emotional competences for equal…

On the 15th of October 2019, Prof. Holzberger and Lisa Ziernwald were at the Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management in Dillingen (click here for more) as part of a course aimed at the Bavarian competence centers for promoting outstanding pupils. Prof. Holzberger and Lisa Ziernwald gave a lecture on the topic "Promoting High Performing Students in Regular Classrooms - A Research Synthesis" which…

On the 24th of September 2019, Prof. Doris Holzberger took up the invitation to the LI Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung, literally the state institute for teacher training and school development) in Hamburg and gave a lecture at the LI Forum on "Transfer of Research Knowledge - Motivational and Emotional Development of (Prospective) Teachers". Prof. Holzberger’s scientific speech presented…

On 11.09.2019, Prof. Doris Holzberger and Lisa Ziernwald were invited to lecture on "Promoting High-Performance Students - A Research Synthesis" at the German Federal and State Governments’ working group ‘Leistung macht Schule’ (LemaS), literally ‘Performance makes School’), hosted by the KMK (conference of German ministers of education) and BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) in Berlin. Following the…

On the 4th of September 2019, professor Holzberger attended the Academy for Teacher Training and Personnel Management (ALP) in Dillingen where she presented the work of the ZIB research syntheses. The academy is a central player in Bavaria regarding teacher training and personnel management, hence is an important partner in the transfer of research knowledge. In the past, the ZIB has successfully collaborated with…

The 18th Biennial EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) Conference took place at RWTH Aachen University from the 12th to August 16, 2019. Focal topic of this year’s international conference was "Thinking tomorrow's education: Learning from the past, in the present and for the future". Dr. Sarah Hofer presented the results of the research synthesis on the effectiveness of school…

Two meetings titled „Analyzing PISA 2018 Data with the PISA Data Explorer and IEA`s IDB Analyzer” and “Item Response Theory and Population Modeling in Large Scale Assessments” took place at the campus of the Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton from 29.7. to 2.8.2019. The first meeting from Monday untill Wednesday focused on general aspects of analyzing large scale assessment data, followed by hands-on use…