
Lecture "Promoting High-Performance Students - A Research Synthesis" as part of the initiative ‘Leistung Macht Schule’ (LemaS)

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On 11.09.2019, Prof. Doris Holzberger and Lisa Ziernwald were invited to lecture on "Promoting High-Performance Students - A Research Synthesis" at the German Federal and State Governments’ working group ‘Leistung macht Schule’ (LemaS), literally ‘Performance makes School’), hosted by the KMK (conference of German ministers of education) and BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) in Berlin. Following the lecture, a lucrative exchange between various representatives of the Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research plus other scientists working in this field took place. The current top-level expertise in the field of promoting high-performance students also plan further collaboration between LemaS and the ZIB (centre for international comparative studies in education).