
The practice bulletin entitled “Fostering High-Achieving Students: Insights into Research and Practice" was published by Waxmann both as a print version and as an e-book. The practice bulletin gathers the current state of research regarding the subject “Differentiation measures for high-achieving students in the regular classroom“. In addition to the research findings, further incentive measures are presented as well…

With the kind support of Bert Krohn, videos were recorded for the seminar  "Methods of empirical educational research for the teaching profession at vocational schools", which will then be made available to students. In this way, even in times of online teaching contact between lecturers and students can be maintained.

A new article named „All better than being disengaged: Student engagement patterns and their relations to academic self-concept and achievement“ was published with the co-authorship of Prof. Dr. Doris Holzberger in the European Journal of Psychology of Education. A person-centered analysis was applied to investigate how the number of hand-raisings interacts with student cognitive and emotional engagement in various…

Sarah Reinhold was interviewed by a student at the University of Tübingen on career paths and career prospects in empirical educational research. Her personal professional biography, with a focus on teacher education as well as her work at the professorship for research on learning and instruction was taken up. The resulting podcast will be made available for teaching purposes in the future.

A meta-analysis named “Simulation-Based Learning in Higher Education: A Meta-Analysis” was published with the co-authorship of Prof. Dr. Doris Holzberger in the peer-reviewed journal Review of Educational Research. The meta-analysis included 145 empirical studies with 409 effect estimations that investigate the effectiveness of various scaffolding types and technology in simulation-based learning environments to…

A meta-analysis conducted by the ZIB Research Synthesis Team on the potential of digital tool use in mathematics and science subjects was published in the journal Computers & Education. Selected results are:     Technology-supported instruction in science and mathematics can enhance student learning.     Provision of teacher training significantly moderates the overall effect.     Intelligent tutoring systems and…

Educational knowledge includes not only contents related to teaching but also knowledge about educational theory, school organization or knowledge about the teaching profession. The revised BilWiss-2.0-Test to assess the educational knowledge of (prospective) teachers is presented on the data basis from 788 student teachers from several universities. The article presents indications of the psychometric quality of the…

As of mid-April 2020, we are very happy to welcome our new research assistant, Simon Munk, to the Professorship for Learning and Instruction team.

In March 2020 the second, completely revised edition of the book "Praxisleitfaden auffällige Schüler und Schülerinnen. Basiswissen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten" (Practice Guidelines for Pupils with Conspicuous Behavior, basics and possible courses of action) was published by the BELTZ publishing group. The book offers teachers short overviews on more than 50 causes for concern with conspicuous students. Our doctoral…

Have a look in the ResearchGate project “Research Syntheses & Meta-Analyses in Learning and Instruction”. Here you will find various topics, materials and current publications of our Research Synthesis group that are relevant to educational practice and educational policy. Stay up to date and follow us on ResarchGate: