
Three articles in the 2nd edition of the book “Practice Guidelines for Pupils with Conspicuous Behavior”

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Cover Praxisleitfaden auffällige Schüler und Schülerinnen

In March 2020 the second, completely revised edition of the book "Praxisleitfaden auffällige Schüler und Schülerinnen. Basiswissen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten" (Practice Guidelines for Pupils with Conspicuous Behavior, basics and possible courses of action) was published by the BELTZ publishing group. The book offers teachers short overviews on more than 50 causes for concern with conspicuous students. Our doctoral candidate, Janina Täschner, contributed three overview articles on the topics "disorders of social behaviour", "neglect" and "cyberbullying".

Take a look into the book here.