
Special classes as talent factories or costly supplementary offers? – This is not the reality for most high-achieving students. The majority of them are in mixed-ability-classes. Using differentiated instruction, teachers can support high-achieving students anyways. However, so far, they do not make use of them frequently. That is what our recently published study shows.

A problem with poor prospects for the future: The shortage of teachers in Germany is predicted to get even worse over the next few years. And causes can already be found in the study conditions of prospective teachers. In our recent study, we investigated the well-being of student teachers, reasons why they drop out, and where universities can start to counteract student dropouts.

Predominantly men in STEM professions, unexploited potential, wage inequality – all of these are consequences of gender stereotypes. Our newly published study shows that teachers and schools can specifically promote the motivation and interest of students and thus have the potential to reduce gender differences.

Teaching in a school for the first time – being able to put into practice what they have learned over the years. Many student teachers are longing for this moment. But how long does this phase of euphoria last? The recently published study by Anna Hartl and Prof. Doris Holzberger shows that the motivation of young teachers changes after entering the teaching profession.

If tasks in math or physics, for example, are related to life and encourage students to work independently, this can increase students' motivation. In her recently published article, Prof. Doris Holzberger and her colleagues investigate the motivational potential of 9th grade textbook tasks.

Which reading strategies are used in a digital context and can they make the difference when it comes to reading comprehension or reading motivation in a digital reading environment? That's what we're exploring in our new meta-analysis. Your (un)published study can help us!

Today marks the midpoint of the stay for our visiting researcher Tomáš Lintner from Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. The doctoral student in educational science is completing a short research stay in Munich to exchange ideas with theworking group ForSynZIB, especially on methodological issues.

Another special year with many beautiful moments but also challenges is coming to an end!

We are looking for relevant intervention studies for our new research synthesis on teacher self-efficacy.

Congratulations to our team member Janina Täschner for receiving the Young Investigator Award of the Division of Educational Psychology of the DGPs. She receives the award for the findings of her research synthesis Promoting Teacher Self-Efficacy.