Dr. Jessica Bodensteiner

Research Assistant

Contact Details:
TU Munich, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology

Postal Address: Arcisstraße 21, D-80333 Munich
Visiting Address: Marsstraße 20, Room: 470, D-80335 Munich

Phone: not assigned yet

Mail: jessica.bodensteiner(at)tum.de

Hours: by appointment


Since November 2020, Dr. Jessica Bodensteiner is working as a research assistant at the Chair of Formal and Informal Learning (Prof. Lewalter), TUM School of Education. After graduating from the University of Regensburg in Psychology she started her PhD program at the TUM School of Education (Chair for Empirical Educational Research, Prof. Manfred Prenzel) in 2010. Her dissertation addressed the trainability of self-regualtion skills and their role pertaining to occupational well-being of beginning teachers. After receiving her PhD in 2014, she dedicated her time to her young and growing family. During maternal leave, she had a teaching assignment at TUM School Education and worked as a trainer for self-regulation skills in schools.

Research Interests

  • Self-regulation competence of teachers
  • Life-Long learning
  • Teachers‘ professional development 
  • Teachers‘ occupational well-being

Peer-reviewed Publications

  • Bodensteiner (2016). Selbstregulationsstrategien bei der Unterrichtsvorbereitung als Ressource für den Einstieg in den Lehrerberuf. Ein längsschnittliches Mediationsmodell. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 4, 292-304.
  • Mattern, J. & Bauer, J. (2014). Does Teachers’ Cognitive Self-Regulation Increase Their Occupational Well-Being? The Structure and Role of Self-Regulation in the Teaching Context. Teaching and Teacher Education, 43, 58-68.
  • Mattern, J. (2012). Selbstregulation im Lehrerberuf: Entwicklung eines Trainings für angehende Lehrkräfte. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 40, 156-173.

Conference Presentations

  • Mattern J. (29.08.2013). Do Self-Regulation Competencies Predict Teacher Well-Being? Paper presented at the 15th conference of EARLI, Munich, Germany.
  • Mattern J. & Prenzel, M. (12.03.2013). Die Bedeutung von Selbstregulationskompetenzen für das berufliche Wohlbefinden im Lehrerberuf. Paper presented at the 1st GEBF Conference, Kiel, Germany.
  • Mattern J. & Prenzel, M. (12.03.2012). Selbstregulation als Prädiktor für berufliche Wohlbefinden im Lehrerberuf? Paper presented at the 77th AEPF Conference, Bielefeld, Germany.
  • Mattern, J. & Prenzel, M. (05.09.2011). Selbstregulation im Lehrerberuf: Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Selbstregulationstrainings  für angehende Lehrkräfte. Paper presented at the 76th AEPF Conference, Klagenfurt, Austria.
  • Mattern, J. (24.07.2012). Does Scenario-Based Training Help to Improve Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-regulatory Competences and Coping Strategies? Poster presented at the 2012 JURE Conference, Regensburg, Germany. (Best Poster Award).
  • Mattern, J. (05.08.2011). Teacher’s Self-Regulatory Competence: Development of a Training Program. Poster presented at the 119th APA Congress, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Mattern, J. & Prenzel, M. (13.04.2012). Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Regulatory Competence: Evaluation of a Training Program. Roundtable presented at the 2012 AERA Congress, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Mattern, J. (29.08.2011). Teacher Self-Regulation: Effects of an Intervention Program for In-Service Teachers. Round Table presented at the 2011 JURE conference, Exeter, UK. (nominated for Best Round Table Award).


Curriculum Vitae