
Launch of the AI training initiative

On April 19, the kick-off event of the advanced training initiative "Artificial Intelligence" for computer science teachers in Bavaria took place with StM Prof. Piazolo and keynote speeches by Prof. Katharina Zweig and Prof. Tilman Michaeli.

Call for contributions for the first issue of IBiS

The call for contributions for the first issue of the journal "Informatische Bildung in Schulen" (IBiS) has been published. In the tradition of LOG IN, which was discontinued last year, this journal aims to disseminate experiences, best practices and lighthouse examples of…

KI kompetent - 2nd workshop in the KI@school pilot project

On February 27, the 2nd workshop in the KI@school trial of the Stiftung Bildungspakt took place with input from Prof. Dr. Ute Schmid and Prof. Dr. Tilman Michaeli as members of the scientific advisory board.

Start of our AI training offensive

Our AI training offensive for Bavarian computer science teachers starts at the TU Munich in January. Registration is now open for the first two dates of the basic training (11th grade requirements) in blended learning.

Pilot phase of TUM project week launched

For the pilot phase "Project-based Teaching and Learning" at TUM, two projects involving the Department of Computer Science Education have been selected for funding.

Projekt zur KI-Fortbildung von Informatiklehrkräften bewilligt

In Zusamenarbeit mit dem Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Unterricht und Kultus entwickeln wir ein Fortbildungsangebot für Informatiklehrkräfte für das Themengebiet KI.

Projekt InstaClone bewilligt

Im Rahmen des Re-Boot Social Media Lab fördert der HfP Think Tank das Projekt InstaClone - A Lifelike Social Media Educational Tool to Increase Data and Algorithmic Literacy of Adolescents in Public Discourse.

Neues Studienangebot Lehramt Informatik/Biologie an der TUM

Ab Herbst (WS 22/23) ist es an der TUM möglich, das gymnasiale Lehramt auch in der Kombination Informatik/Biologie zu studieren.

Veröffentlichung Unterrichtsmaterialien Künstliche Intelligenz

Unterrichtsmodule zu künstlicher Intelligenz erschienen.