
Dagstuhl seminar on teaching-support systems for formal methods

In June, we took part in Dagstuhl Seminar 24251 "Teaching Support Systems for Formal Foundations of Computer Science", bringing together instructors from formal methods, builders of teaching support systems and computing education researchers.

CS day for special education schools 2024

A computer science day for special education schools focusing on AI and robotics will be held at the Technical University of Munich on 8 October.

PD for computer science from September 2024 at TUM

From the 2024/25 school year, TUM will once again be offering a continuing education program for in-service teachers at secondary schools of all subject combinations to acquire the qualification for computer science.

ILTB 2024 at TUM

The ILTB 2024 will take place on September 19, 2024 at the Technical University of Munich. It is aimed at all computer science teachers from all types of Bavarian schools as well as interested pre-service teachers. Further information on the program will follow.

Call for Papers for WiPSCE'24

The Call for Papers for WiPSCE 2024 has now been published. We invite you to submit a paper, report, or poster for the 19th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education and to join us in Munich!

Discussion paper on quantum skills in teacher training

In this discussion paper by the Stifterverband, eleven recommendations are formulated by interdisciplinary experts to enable contemporary teaching that incorporates quantum technologies.

WiPSCE Conference 2024 at TUM

After an amazing WiPSCE conference 2023 at the University of Cambridge we look forward to seeing you all next year at the TU Munich for the 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research!

Profile schools honored for "Computer Science and Future Technologies"

The State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs has recognized 50 schools that promote computer science and future technologies in a special way for their commitment. As part of the advisory board from science and industry, we accompany and support the schools.

First issue of IBiS published

The first issue of the OER magazine "Informatische Bildung in Schulen (IBIS)" for computer science teachers has been published and can be downloaded free of charge at https://www.informatischebildung.de/. All further information can also be found there.

City4Future Goes AI - New cooperation project with the Wissensfabrik

Together with the Wissensfabrik, we are developing a module in which secondary school students explore the possible influence of AI for a liveable city of the future using physical computing in an action-oriented way.