
The professorship of Psychology of Teaching and Learning offers bachelor's and master's theses on different topics in the field of empirical educational research, which are supervised throughout by our team members.

Are you interested in writing a bachelor's or master's thesis at the Professorship of Psychology of Teaching and Learning? Then get in touch with us.

Theses in Process

Supervision Dr. Anna Hartl

  • The teaching profession – an eternally stressful occupation or a fulfilling dream job? A systematic review of the well-being of teachers considering the positive aspects of the teaching profession

Completed Theses

Supervision Prof. Dr. Doris Holzberger:

  • Meta-analysis on school characteristics affecting student outcomes in STEM secondary education
  • Power Analysen und Imputationsverfahren im Mehrebenenfall am Beispiel von PISA-Daten
  • Adopting inquiry-based learning for teaching social science content
  • Who interacts how? A descriptive analysis of the differences in teacher-student-interactions between students with and without a migration background

Betreuung Monica Déchène

  • Sozialkompetenz von Medizinischen Fachangestellten – Die Rolle der Berufsschule. Wie bewerten MFA-Auszubildende die Wirksamkeit der Vermittlung berufsrelevanter sozialer und kommunikativer Kompetenzen im Rahmen des Berufsschulunterrichts?

Supervision Dr. Anna Hartl

  • Evaluation of school requirements and teachers' previous digital experiences concerning the implementation of digital teaching with the social media tool InstaClone
  • Health promotion in vocational education – An interview study on demands, recources, and well-being in the teaching profession
  • Studying in times of Covid-19: Investigating the impact of the digital semester of student teachers
  • The training as a medical assistant and the possible influencing factors on the vocational training of the medical assistant based on doctors, medical specialist in apprenticeship, the apprentice
  • The development of psychological stress among prospective teachers during and after their training based on the BilWiss research program
  • University teaching in times of a pandemic: Examining the framework of lecturers in digital semesters

Supervision Dr. Anna Hartl and Simon Munk:

  • Self-assessment of students of vocational teaching with regard to their competences in dealing with heterogeneity.

Supervision Dr. Anna Hartl and Janina Täschner

  • How are different teacher self-efficacy questionnaires perceived in practice? A "Loud Thinking Study" with teacher trainees and in-service teachers.

Supervision Delia Hillmayr and Janina Täschner:

  • Interventions to reduce school segregation – a systematic review
  • Parental engagement at school – a qualitative interview study
  • Measures to promote parental involvement in schools – a systematic review

Supervision Kaley Lesperance:

  • Effectiveness of formal environmental education intervention on elementary students' environmental behaviour: A systematic review and meta-analysis
  • The promotion of self-regulated learning: A second order review
  • Motivational factors for female engineering students in Turkey

Supervision Simon Munk

  • Comparison of lesson preparation by student teachers of science education and vocational education
  • Critical Analysis of Teaching Methods in Teaching Economics in Senior High Schools in Ghana
  • Online teaching and learning: Investigating students' perceptions and experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic at the University of Education in Ghana.
  • The role of class size on performance: Investigating teachers’ and students’ perceptions at the University of Education, Ghana.
  • Triple disadvantage for students with low socioeconomic status? An analysis of the relationship between socioeconomic status, feedback and motivation

Supervision Janina Täschner

  • Effects of a school dog on motivational aspects among students. An observational study in higher grades
  • How culture-specific is teacher self-efficacy? An analysis of existing measurement instruments
  • Which factors influence the introduction of suicide prevention at vocational schools? A guided interview study with school psychologists in Bavaria
  • Win Win? A Systematic Review of the Effects of High Self-Efficacy in Coping with the Teaching Profession with Particular Attention to Measurement Instruments

Supervision Janina Täschner and Lisa Ziernwald

  • The Interplay of Classroom Composition and Teaching. A Focus on German Teachers and Gifted Students in the German National PISA Extension Sample 2018

Supervision Lisa Ziernwald

  • Digital Media in School: Quality Analysis of Innovative Teaching Methods in STEM Subjects

Supervision Lisa Ziernwald and Delia Hillmayr:

  • Integration of empirical evidence in everyday school life - a qualitative evaluation