Sustainability is the core of the InnoLab-N school pilot project. By making use of innovative learning settings and opportunities to shape their own learning process, students develop important transformation skills on the way to a digital and sustainable future. An evaluation concept, we specifically designed for this purpose, explores which approaches can serve as models for schools in the future.
Duration: 2022 – 2025
Funding: Stiftung Bildungspakt Bayern
Subsidy: 45 000 Euro
Principal Investigator: Prof. Doris Holzberger

Sustainability is a crucial topic nowadays. So how can it be implemented in different areas such as the economy, environmental protection, and social affairs? Participation and the acquisition of competencies – especially among young people – are necessary in order to create the basis for a society capable of thinking and acting in a sustainable and responsible way.
The project InnoLab-N, a sub-project of Wirkstatt Nachhaltigkeit, tests out innovative learning settings in schools. The aim is to enable students at the participating schools to actively shape their learning process and environment and to acquire transformational competencies in sustainability. To this purpose, the schools set themselves individual goals based on the OECD Learning Compass 2030.
InnoLab-N aims to introduce the students to problem- and project-oriented work through interventions within the regular classroom. At the same time, they take part in designing innovative learning and working processes. In addition, they are encouraged to try out new learning locations and environments inside and outside of school while they benefit from new formats of learning support and performance assessment, such as e-portfolio work and agile methods.
In order to determine the effectiveness of the interventions, we developed a specific evaluation concept: By measuring the subjective learning success of the students, we want to find out which approaches can serve as models for schools in the future.
InnoLab-N is together with Campus-N and Netzwerk-N part of the project Wirkstatt Nachhaltigkeit and takes place in the school years from 2021 to 2025.
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