It's all about measurements
Questionnaires are still the central measuring instrument in psychology for investigating the behavior of individuals. While on the one hand there are already so many questionnaires available for some constructs that even experienced researchers find it difficult to select a suitable measurement instrument, on the other hand the construction of the questionnaire can have a decisive influence on empirical findings.
In the symposium, we address questionnaires for measuring teacher self-efficacy, student feedback, and academic cheating behavior. We will focus on the requirements of questionnaires in the different areas and would like to increase the visibility of the measurement problem as well as develop first solutions together.
9/14/2022 Symposium
13:45 hrs | Ein critical overview über Fragebögen der Lehrkräfteselbstwirksamkeit | 675
••• Täschner, Janina | Hartl, Anna | Holzberger, Doris
Dealing with errors in classroom discussions
Reporting, calling in, calling out - the classroom conversation is shaped by both the class and the teacher. But which students participate more often, which fewer? And which factors have an influence here?
A positive culture of error can encourage students to participate more. In our project, we explore the role of self-concept and migration background, as well as the extent to which other individual and classroom-specific factors are important for participation in the classroom. In doing so, we also talk about subject-specific differences.
9/13/2022 Research Talk Groups
10:30 am | The influence of error culture on active classroom participation: The importance of self-concept and migration background | 126
••• Munk, Simon | Böheim, Ricardo | Holzberger, Doris
The 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society is the largest scientific psychology congress in the German-speaking world. With over 2000 contributions submitted, current results from fundamental and applied research in psychology will be presented again this year.
10th - 15th September 2022
University of Hildesheim
Main Campus Universitätsplatz (Marienburger Höhe) and Bühler-Campus
Further information
For more information about the congress, visit You can find the program here.