A high level of self-efficacy, i.e., the conviction to be able to successfully perform all actions associated with teaching, is important for long-term healthy teachers. For example, (prospective) teachers with higher self-efficacy differentiate more often in class and are happier overall in their profession. In our research synthesis, we systematically examine what interventions may be useful to promote self-efficacy among prospective teachers and teachers in the profession. One of the central questions here is to which extend the type or length of interventions influence their success. This research synthesis contributes to basic research in the area of self-efficacy while providing relevant insights for teacher education and professional development.
Research Questions
- Can targeted interventions in teacher education and training change teachers' self-efficacy?
- How do specific factors such as length and type of interventions influence effectiveness? For example, can lesson observations be as beneficial for self-efficacy as own teaching practice?
Further Information
In the interest of the greatest possible transparency, this research synthesis was pre-registered. Further methodological information on the implementation can be found at OSF-Registries.