Learning Sciences and Design Lab
We conduct much of our work at the Learning Sciences and Design Lab (previously Computational Crafting Lab). The purpose of the Learning Sciences and Design Lab is (1) to support research and design to advance the gendered materiality of STEM learning, (2) to develop teaching materials and student-research opportunities, and (3) to strengthen connections with communities in and around TUM.
The Learning Sciences and Design Lab is a model space that is supportive of equitable approaches toward STEM learning, including an outlook on gender equity. The Learning Sciences and Design Lab is designed based on four core design principles that emerged from the our research, including diversity to offer a wide range of materials and empathy to invite user-centered design and build on familiarity.
Apart from engaging innovative arts, crafts, and design-driven research and teaching, the Learning Sciences and Design Lab also regularly invites youth and their families to join activities. If you are interested in joining a session, please reach out. We are happy to provide additional information.
Learning Sciences and Design Lab in the News
03/2023, TUM Explore Newletter 2023 [online].
03/2023, Bildungsinitiative Technik – Zukunft in Bayern 4.0 im Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., "Computational Crafting: Wie Handwerk und Technologie verschmelzen", [online].
11/2022, #csk8 podcast by Jared O’Leary, “160: Performing Algorithms: Weaving as Promising Context for Computational Learning | #CSK8 Podcast”, [online].
10/2022, Bildungsinitiative Technik – Zukunft in Bayern 4.0 im Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft e. V., “Rückblick auf die DigiTagung”, [online].
03/2022, ARD Alpha, 5 Fragen an…, “Das Material entscheidet übers Lernen”. [online/television; online available until: 07.03.2027].