lernen:digital | Transfer Centre (Transferstelle)

The learning:digital Competence Network is shaping the digital transformation of schools and teacher training on the basis of its extensive expertise in around 180 research and development projects. A designated transfer centre ensures a constant exchange between the individual projects and between science and practice.


Duration: 2023 – 2026
Funding: EU – NextGenerationEU, BMBF
Principal Investigators at TUM: Prof. Doris Holzberger, Prof. Tina Seidel

The goals of learning:digital are to sustainably prepare the education system for the future and to drive forward the digital transformation. To this end, the competence network focuses on teacher training and instruction. Under the umbrella of lernen:digital, around 180 collaborative projects are developing innovative, scientifically based training programs, as well as teaching concepts that provide teachers with the digital skills they need as well as with materials for designing digitally supported lessons.

To meet the needs of different subject areas, the projects are grouped into four competence centres, which provide professional development opportunities for teachers all across Germany:

  • STEM
  • Language/Society/Economics
  • Music/Arts/Physical Education
  • School Development

In order to ensure the networking of the collaborative projects and their visibility, a transfer centre has been established within the framework of lernen:digital.  Together with the Friedl Schöller Chair for Educational Psychology, the Professorship for Research on Learning and Instruction is involved in the scientific focus area of the transfer centre. The main task of the joint work is the development of a working model to identify research gaps and focal points within learn:digital and to classify the individual projects within the competence network. In addition, the team is preparing its own research synthesis, which will provide an overview of the topic of teacher training in the area of digitisation. Finally, the researchers involved are also preparing existing research syntheses for practical use.

With a broad spectrum of expertise in educational research and an intensive exchange with educational practitioners, lernen:digital creates ideal conditions for a successful transfer from science to practice.

For more information about the lernen:digital competence network, visit www.lernen.digital.